
Usage: xnvme <command> [<args>]

Where <command> is one of:

  list             | List devices on the system
  enum             | Enumerate devices on the system
  info             | Retrieve derived information for given device
  idfy             | Execute an User-defined Identify Command
  idfy-ns          | Identify the given Namespace
  idfy-ctrlr       | Identify the given Controller
  idfy-cs          | Identify the Command Sets supported by the controller
  log              | Retrieve a User-defined Log
  log-erri         | Retrieve the error-information log
  log-health       | Retrieve the S.M.A.R.T. / Health information log
  feature-get      | Execute a Get-Features Command
  feature-set      | Execute a Set-Features Command
  format           | Format a NVM namespace
  sanitize         | Sanitize...
  pioc             | Pass a used-defined IO Command through
  padc             | Pass a user-defined ADmin Command through
  library-info     | Produce information about the library

See 'xnvme <command> --help' for the description of [<args>]

xNVMe - Cross-platform NVMe utility -- ver: {major: 0, minor: 4, patch: 0}
