
Usage: xdd <command> [<args>]

Where <command> is one of:

  sync             | Copy --data-nbytes from --data-input to --data--output
  async            | Copy --data-nbytes from --data-input to --data--output

See 'xdd <command> --help' for the description of [<args>]

xNVMe dd - Copy bytes from input to output -- ver: {major: 0, minor: 7, patch: 5}

Synchronous I/O#

Usage: xdd sync [<args>]

Copy --data-nbytes from --data-input to --data--output
Where <args> include:

  --data-input FILE             ; Path to data input-file
  --data-output FILE            ; Path to data output-file
  --data-nbytes NUM             ; Data size in bytes
  [ --iosize NUM ]              ; Use given 'NUM' as bs/iosize
  [ --direct ]                  ; Bypass layers
  [ --offset NUM ]              ; Use given 'NUM' as offset
  [ --help ]                    ; Show usage / help

See 'xdd --help' for other commands

xNVMe dd - Copy bytes from input to output -- ver: {major: 0, minor: 7, patch: 5}

Asynchronous I/O#

Usage: xdd async [<args>]

Copy --data-nbytes from --data-input to --data--output
Where <args> include:

  --data-input FILE             ; Path to data input-file
  --data-output FILE            ; Path to data output-file
  --data-nbytes NUM             ; Data size in bytes
  [ --iosize NUM ]              ; Use given 'NUM' as bs/iosize
  [ --qdepth NUM ]              ; Use given 'NUM' as queue max capacity
  [ --direct ]                  ; Bypass layers
  [ --offset NUM ]              ; Use given 'NUM' as offset
  [ --help ]                    ; Show usage / help

See 'xdd --help' for other commands

xNVMe dd - Copy bytes from input to output -- ver: {major: 0, minor: 7, patch: 5}