
Usage: lblk <command> [<args>]

Where <command> is one of:

  enum             | Enumerate Logical Block Namespaces on the system
  info             | Retrieve derived information for the given URI
  idfy             | Identify the namespace for the given URI
  dir-send         | Directive send for the given URI
  dir-receive      | Directive receive for the given URI
  read             | Read data and optionally metadata
  write            | Writes data and optionally metadata
  write-zeros      | Set a range of logical blocks to zero
  write-uncor      | Mark a range of logical blocks as invalid
  write-dir        | Writes directive specific data and optionally metadata
  write-read-pi    | Writes and then read with protection information
  compare          | Compare data and optionally metadata

See 'lblk <command> --help' for the description of [<args>]

Logical Block Namespace Utility -- ver: {major: 0, minor: 7, patch: 5}

Enumerate Logical Block Namespaces#

Enumerate namespaces:

lblk enum --help
Usage: lblk enum [<args>]

Enumerate Logical Block Namespaces on the system
Where <args> include:

  [ --uri uri ]                 ; System URI e.g. ''
  [ --flags 0xNUM ]             ; Command flags
With <args> for backend:

  [ --subnqn STRING ]           ; Subsystem NQN of the NVMe over Fabrics endpoint e.g. ''
  [ --hostnqn STRING ]          ; The host NQN to use when connecting to NVMe over Fabrics controllers
  [ --be STRING ]               ; xNVMe backend, e.g. 'linux', 'spdk', 'fbsd', 'macos', 'posix', 'windows'
  [ --help ]                    ; Show usage / help

See 'lblk --help' for other commands

Logical Block Namespace Utility -- ver: {major: 0, minor: 7, patch: 5}

Device Information#

Device information:

lblk info /dev/nvme0n1
    uri: '/dev/nvme0n1'
    dtype: 0x2
    nsid: 0x1
    csi: 0x0
    subnqn: ''
    admin: {id: 'nvme'}
    sync: {id: 'nvme'}
    async: {id: 'emu'}
    attr: {name: 'linux'}
    be: 'linux'
    mem: 'posix'
    admin: 'nvme'
    sync: 'nvme'
    async: 'emu'
    npugrp: 1
    npunit: 1
    nzone: 1
    nsect: 2097152
    nbytes: 4096
    nbytes_oob: 0
    tbytes: 8589934592
    mdts_nbytes: 520192
    lba_nbytes: 4096
    lba_extended: 0
    ssw: 12
    pi_type: 0
    pi_loc: 0
    pi_format: 0

Namespace Identification#

Namespace identification:

lblk idfy --help
Usage: lblk idfy <uri> [<args>]

Identify the namespace for the given URI
Positional arguments:

  uri                           ; Device URI e.g. '/dev/nvme0n1', '0000:01:00.1', '', '\\.\PhysicalDrive1'
Where <args> include:

  [ --nsid 0xNUM ]              ; Namespace Identifier for Command Construction
  [ --data-output FILE ]        ; Path to data output-file
With <args> for backend:

  [ --subnqn STRING ]           ; Subsystem NQN of the NVMe over Fabrics endpoint e.g. ''
  [ --hostnqn STRING ]          ; The host NQN to use when connecting to NVMe over Fabrics controllers
  [ --be STRING ]               ; xNVMe backend, e.g. 'linux', 'spdk', 'fbsd', 'macos', 'posix', 'windows'
  [ --dev-nsid 0xNUM ]          ; Namespace Identifier for Device Handle
  [ --admin STRING ]            ; xNVMe admin. command-interface, e.g. 'nvme', 'block'
  [ --mem STRING ]              ; xNVMe buffer/memory manager
  [ --direct NUM ]              ; Bypass layers
  [ --help ]                    ; Show usage / help

See 'lblk --help' for other commands

Logical Block Namespace Utility -- ver: {major: 0, minor: 7, patch: 5}

IO: Reading#


lblk read --help
Usage: lblk read <uri> [<args>]

Read data and optionally metadata
Positional arguments:

  uri                           ; Device URI e.g. '/dev/nvme0n1', '0000:01:00.1', '', '\\.\PhysicalDrive1'
Where <args> include:

  --slba 0xNUM                  ; Start Logical Block Address
  --nlb NUM                     ; Number of LBAs (NOTE: zero-based value)
  [ --nsid 0xNUM ]              ; Namespace Identifier for Command Construction
  [ --data-output FILE ]        ; Path to data output-file
  [ --meta-output FILE ]        ; Path to meta output-file
With <args> for backend:

  [ --subnqn STRING ]           ; Subsystem NQN of the NVMe over Fabrics endpoint e.g. ''
  [ --hostnqn STRING ]          ; The host NQN to use when connecting to NVMe over Fabrics controllers
  [ --be STRING ]               ; xNVMe backend, e.g. 'linux', 'spdk', 'fbsd', 'macos', 'posix', 'windows'
  [ --dev-nsid 0xNUM ]          ; Namespace Identifier for Device Handle
  [ --admin STRING ]            ; xNVMe admin. command-interface, e.g. 'nvme', 'block'
  [ --mem STRING ]              ; xNVMe buffer/memory manager
  [ --direct NUM ]              ; Bypass layers
  [ --sync STRING ]             ; xNVMe sync. command-interface, e.g. 'nvme', 'block'
  [ --help ]                    ; Show usage / help

See 'lblk --help' for other commands

Logical Block Namespace Utility -- ver: {major: 0, minor: 7, patch: 5}

IO: Writing#


lblk write --help
Usage: lblk write <uri> [<args>]

Writes data and optionally metadata
Positional arguments:

  uri                           ; Device URI e.g. '/dev/nvme0n1', '0000:01:00.1', '', '\\.\PhysicalDrive1'
Where <args> include:

  --slba 0xNUM                  ; Start Logical Block Address
  --nlb NUM                     ; Number of LBAs (NOTE: zero-based value)
  [ --nsid 0xNUM ]              ; Namespace Identifier for Command Construction
  [ --data-input FILE ]         ; Path to data input-file
  [ --meta-input FILE ]         ; Path to meta input-file
With <args> for backend:

  [ --subnqn STRING ]           ; Subsystem NQN of the NVMe over Fabrics endpoint e.g. ''
  [ --hostnqn STRING ]          ; The host NQN to use when connecting to NVMe over Fabrics controllers
  [ --be STRING ]               ; xNVMe backend, e.g. 'linux', 'spdk', 'fbsd', 'macos', 'posix', 'windows'
  [ --dev-nsid 0xNUM ]          ; Namespace Identifier for Device Handle
  [ --admin STRING ]            ; xNVMe admin. command-interface, e.g. 'nvme', 'block'
  [ --mem STRING ]              ; xNVMe buffer/memory manager
  [ --direct NUM ]              ; Bypass layers
  [ --sync STRING ]             ; xNVMe sync. command-interface, e.g. 'nvme', 'block'
  [ --help ]                    ; Show usage / help

See 'lblk --help' for other commands

Logical Block Namespace Utility -- ver: {major: 0, minor: 7, patch: 5}