
xNVMe CI Resource Overview

xNVMe CI environments and resources#

This describes the setup / notes

System Notes#

Since the system utilized is a custom physical setup, then notes are provided here describing the hardware utilized and the configuration performed to get the hardware resources into their state of function.


The physical hardware resources utilized for benchmarking reside in an isolated network, only traffic allowed in is via a WireGuard VPN. Taking care of these firewall and VPN tasks is a Netgate 1100 running pfSense+.

The following is setup:

  • Firewall rules: default to deny

  • DHCP Server with mac-address based IP assignment

  • WireGuard Enabled

See the Netgate 1100 Manual for details on how to configures this.


Hardware Specs. for bench-intel#




NVMe Devices

Intel 12th Gen. Core i5-12600

32 GB (2x Kingston 548C38-16)

MSI Z690-A

  • 4x 980 PRO 2TB

  • 3x 980 PRO 1TB

  • 1x 980 PRO with Heatsink 1TB


This running PiKVM on a Raspberry Pi 4b with the PiKVM V3 HAT, for setup notes see PiKVM V3 HAT Config Notes.


Hardware Specs. for bench-amd#




NVMe Devices

AMD Ryzen Threadripper 1900X 8-Core

32 GB (4x CMK32GX4M4B3200C16)

ASRock X399 Phantom Gaming 6

  • 8x MEMPEK1W016GA

  • 2x MEMPEK1J016GAL



This is a Rock PI 4b with a 512GB NVMe SSD attached. It is running Armbian / Bookworm.

Add a user for the github action runner, named ghr:

adduser ghr
usermod -aG sudo ghr

Install some tools:

apt-get -qy install \
        git \
        vim \
        time \

Configure the NVMe storage, by doing the following:

  • Partition and ext4-format

    • fdisk /dev/nvme0n1

    • mkfs.ext4 /dev/nvme0n1p1

  • Get the UUID

    • Run: blkid

  • Edit /etc/fstab using the UUID with mount-point at /gha

Then reload:

systemctl daemon-reload
mount /ghr
chown -R ghr:ghr /ghr

Install docker#

Do this:

curl -fsSL -o
sh ./

Change docker to store container-images and temporary data onto the NVMe device, to avoid wear on the emmc:

# Setup a docker config
mkdir /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d
echo "[Service]" >> /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/docker.conf
echo "ExecStart=" >> "/etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/docker.conf"
echo "ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd --data-root /ghr/docker" >> "/etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/docker.conf"

# Reload it
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart docker

GitHUB Runner#

Switch to the ghr user, go into the /ghr mountpoint, download and extract the github-action-runner:

su ghr
cd /ghr
mkdir actions-runner && cd actions-runner
curl -o actions-runner-linux-arm64-2.309.0.tar.gz -L
echo "b172da68eef96d552534294e4fb0a3ff524e945fc5d955666bab24eccc6ed149  actions-runner-linux-arm64-2.309.0.tar.gz" | shasum -a 256 -c
tar xzf ./actions-runner-linux-arm64-2.309.0.tar.gz

Then we create two runners, one for bench-amd, and one for bench-intel:

export RUNNERS="bench-amd bench-intel"
export RUNNER_USER=ghr
export URL=

With the above defined, then you can execute these:

      cd /ghr

      # Setup runners
      for RUNNER_NAME in $RUNNERS; do cp -r actions-runner "runner-for-${RUNNER_NAME}"; done;

      # Register runners

      cd /ghr/runner-for-bench-intel
      ./ --unattended --url ${URL} --token ${TOKEN} --labels bench,intel --replace --name runner-for-bench-intel
cd ..

      cd /ghr/runner-for-bench-amd
      ./ --unattended --url ${URL} --token ${TOKEN} --labels bench,amd --replace --name runner-for-bench-amd
cd ..

Install and run them as a service:

cd /ghr

# Service(s): install
for RUNNER_NAME in $RUNNERS; do pushd "runner-for-${RUNNER_NAME}"; sudo ./ install ${RUNNER_USER}; popd; done

# Service(s): start
for RUNNER_NAME in $RUNNERS; do pushd "runner-for-${RUNNER_NAME}"; sudo ./ start; popd; done

# Service(s): status
for RUNNER_NAME in $RUNNERS; do pushd "runner-for-${RUNNER_NAME}"; sudo ./ status; popd; done

And when needing to update:

# Services: stop
for RUNNER_NAME in $RUNNERS; do pushd "runner-for-${RUNNER_NAME}"; sudo ./ stop; popd; done

# Services: uninstall
for RUNNER_NAME in $RUNNERS; do pushd "runner-for-${RUNNER_NAME}"; sudo ./ uninstall; popd; done

# Remove the runner
for RUNNER_NAME in $RUNNERS; do pushd "runner-for-${RUNNER_NAME}"; ./ remove --token ${TOKEN}; popd; done;