macOS (brew)#

Notes are provided on updating the package / brew-formula for xNVMe. At the bottom you will find notes on the initial creation of the formula. Do this:

# Fork the **homebrew-core** repository

git clone

# Add your fork to your local install
brew tap homebrew/core
cd $(brew --repository homebrew/core)
git remote add <your_fork> <uri_of_your_clone>
git fetch <your_fork>
git checkout -b xnvme_update master

# Edit the xNVMe formula
brew edit xnvme

# Test it
brew uninstall --force xnvme
HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_FROM_API=1 brew install --build-from-source xnvme
# this was needed...
brew link --overwrite
brew test xnvme
brew audit --strict xnvme
brew style xnvme

Commit and push the changes:

# Commit changes
git add .
git commit -s -m "xnvme major.minor.patch"

# Push them
git push your_fork xnvme_update
  • Setup PR and address any issues

Initial creation of the package#

A couple of useful commands:

# On macOS use this to calculate the checksum of the src-archive
shasum -a 256

# Test the formula
HOMEBREW_NO_INSTALL_FROM_API=1 brew install --build-from-source xnvme.rb
brew test xnvme.rb
brew audit --strict xnvme

# Only needed on creation?
brew audit --new xnvme
brew audit --new-formula xnvme