Linux Dev. Environment#

This shows the manual steps of setting up a physical machine for xNVMe test and development. This includes using devices attached to the machine, as well as using the physical machine to setup virtual machines with advanced NVMe-device emulation.

Advanced NVMe device emulation covers command-set enchancements such as Flexible Data-Placement (FDP), Zoned Namespaces (ZNS), and Key-Value SSDs (KV).

The documentation is provided as a means to setup development environment with minimal fuss and maximum foss :)

  • xNVMe

    • Built from source

    • Testing package


    • Scripts and utilities for development, testing, and maintenance

  • Custom Qemu

    • Built from source

    • Latest NVMe emulation features

  • Custom Linux kernel

    • Built from source

    • Installed via .deb

Physical Machine#

It is assumed that you have a physisical machine with NVMe storage available, and that you can utilize it destructively. That is, that any data can and will be lost when using the NVMe devices for testing.

Qemu is utilized extensively during testing to verify NVMe functionality of NVM, ZNS, KV, FDP, etc. that is NVMe features not readiliy available in HW is emulated via qemu. Thus, a physical machine is attractive reduce build and runtime.

It is of course possible to do nested-virtualization, however, it is often impractical as I/O get orders of magnitudes slower which less than ideal during build.

Most machines will do for common development and testing, throughout a machine with the following traits are used:

  • An x86 64-bit CPU

  • At least 8GB of memory

  • A SATA SSD, 100GB will suffice, used for the

    • Operating system

    • User data ($HOME), repositories, workdirs, etc.

  • One or more NVMe SSDs

    • Utilized for testing

This physical machine will be referred to as box01.


Since, the devices utilized for testing a primarily NVMe devices, then it is convenient to have the operating system and user-data installed on a separate non-NVMe device, quite simply since SATA pops up as /dev/sd* and NVMe as /dev/nvme* / /dev/ng*. It avoids one accidentally wiping the OS device when the devices are entirely separate.

Operating System#

Here, the latest stable Debian Linux, currently bookworm is used throughout.

  • Install it

    • Un-select desktop environment

    • Select OpenSSH

  • Add user odus with password as you see fit

  • Partition using the entire device

  • Setup networking

And make sure it is accessible from your “main” development machine:

ssh-copy-id odus@box01

Log into the machine:

ssh odus@box01

And then install a couple of things:

# Switch to root
su -
apt-get -qy update && apt-get -qy install \
  git \
  htop \
  screen \
  pipx \
  sudo \

# Make sure that cli-tools installed with pipx are available
pipx ensurepath

# Add odus to sudoers (required to do various things as non-root)
usermod -aG sudo odus

# Add odus to kvm (required to run qemu as non-root)
usermod -aG kvm odus

# switch back out of root

# log out of odus


Log out and back in again, to refresh credentials

Additionally, in order to prepare the system for user-space NVMe drivers, then vfio/iommu should be enabled along with a couple of user-limit tweaks.

Have a look at the System Configuration section for the details on this.


Regardless of whether you are using the box directly as root, or using the odus user, then setup the $HOME directory like so:

mkdir $HOME/{artifacts,git,workdirs,guests,images}

The directories are used for the following:


A place to store source-repositories, usually these are git repositories for projects like: xnvme, fio, spdk, linux, and qemu.


A place for auxilary files, when executing cijoe workflows, or doing misc. experiments and exploration.


A place to store intermediate artifacts during development. Such as adhoc Linux kernel .deb packages, source-archives etc.


A place where boot-images, pid-files, cloud-seeds and other files related to qemu guests live.


A place to store VM “boot-images”, such as cloud-init enabled images.

Screen + http.server#

Regardless of whether your devbox is physical/virtual/local/remote or some combination thereof. Then having access to misc. files, and specifically, to things like cijoe output / reports. Is very convenient.

With minimal fuss, then this is achievable with a combinaion of screen and Python:

cd ~/workdirs
screen -d -m python3 -m http.server

The above starts a webserver, serving the content of the cwd where python3 is executed and served up over tcp/http on port 8000.

The screen -d -m part, creates a screen-session and detaches from it. Thus, it continues executing even if you disconnect.

You can see the running screen-sessions with:

screen -list

And attach to them using their <name>:

screen -r <name>


Clone, build, and install xNVMe and checkout the next branch:

cd ~/git
git clone xnvme
cd xnvme
git checkout next

Install prerequisites:

sudo ./toolbox/pkgs/

Build and install xNVMe:

cd ~/git/xnvme
sudo make install

Check that it is functional:

sudo xnvme enum

This should yield output similar to:

- {uri: '/dev/nvme0n1', dtype: 0x2, nsid: 0x1, csi: 0x0, subnqn: ''}


Setup by running the following in the root of the xNVMe repository:

cd ~/git/xnvme
make cijoe

This will install cijoe along with a couple of cijoe-packages for Linux, qemu, and fio. After installation, then a configuation file is added at ~/.config/cijoe/cijoe-config.toml. You need to adjust this to match your system, look specifically for these entries:

# system_bin = "{{ local.env.HOME }}/opt/qemu/bin/qemu-system-aarch64"
system_bin = "/opt/qemu/bin/qemu-system-aarch64"
img_bin = "qemu-img"
default_guest = "bookworm_arm64"

upstream = ""
path = "{{ local.env.HOME }}/git/xnvme"

# This is utilized by repository syncing during development.
branch = "wip"
remote = "guest"
remote_path = "/root/git/xnvme"

In general, ensure paths to repositories, binaries, etc. match your local system and the remote system you are using.

Then logout and back in to reload the environment, the addition of pipx and the cijoe into $PATH.

Do a trial-run:

# Create a workdir
mkdir -p ~/workdirs/cijoe
cd ~/workdirs/cijoe

# Create a default configuration and workflow
cijoe --example core

In case everything is fine, then it will execute silently.

You can increase the information-level with -l argument, the more times you provide the higher the level. Try running it with two, that is debug-level:

cijoe -ll

In the cwd then a cijoe-output is produced, this directory holds all information about what was executed. Have a look at the generated report at cijoe-output/report.html.


In case you see failures, then inspect the RUNLOG in the report, this usually tells you exactly what went wrong.


Make sure that pytest is not installed system-wide by running which pytest. In case it says /usr/bin/pytest, then it is not using the pytest provided with the CIJOE module. Thus, uninstall it using apt-get remove python3-pytest.


Produce a set of artifacts:

cd ~/git/xnvme
make clobber gen-artifacts

# Keep them handy if need be
cp -r /tmp/artifacts ~/artifacts/xnvme


The make clobber removes any unstaged changes and removes subprojects. This is done to ensure an entirely “clean” repository. Thus, make sure that you have commit your changes. The make clobber is required for make gen-artifacts, as it will otherwise include side-effects from previous builds.


The artifacts produces by make gen-artifacts are output to /tmp/artifacts. There are cijoe workflows, expecting to be available at that location, specifically the provision workflow.

Linux Kernel#

Install prerequisites:

# Essentials for building the kernel
sudo apt-get -qy install \
  bc \
  bison \
  build-essential \
  debhelper \
  flex \
  git \
  libelf-dev \
  libssl-dev \
  pahole \

# A couple of extra libraries and tools
sudo apt-get -qy install \
  libncurses-dev \
  linux-cpupower \


libnurses-dev is needed for make menuconfig. linux-cpupower provides a cli-tool cpupower that let’s you control the Linux CPU governor, useful for performance evaluation.

Then run the cijoe workflow, compiling a custom kernel as a .deb package:

# Create a workdir for the workflow
mkdir -p ~/workdirs/linux
cd ~/workdirs/linux

# Grab the cijoe-example for linux
cijoe --example linux

# Run it with logging (-l)
cijoe -l

Then re-run the command above. It should now succeed, after which you can collect the artifacts of interest:

cp -r cijoe-output/artifacts/linux ~/artifacts/

You can install them by running:

sudo dpkg -i ~/artifacts/linux/*.deb


Install prerequisites:

# Packages for building qemu
sudo apt-get -qy install \
  meson \
  libattr1-dev \
  libcap-ng-dev \
  libglib2.0-dev \
  libpixman-1-dev \
  libslirp-dev \

# Packages for cloud-init
sudo apt-get -qy install \

Checkout qemu:

cd ~/git
git clone --recursive
cd qemu
git checkout for-xnvme
git submodule update --init --recursive

Create a work-directory:

mkdir -p ~/workdirs/qemu
cd ~/workdirs/qemu

Run the cijoe qemu workflow:

# Grab the config and workflow example for qemu
cijoe --example qemu

# Run it with log-level debug (-l)
cijoe -l

With the packages installed, go back and run the cijoe workflow. Have a look at the report, it describes what it does, that is, build and install qemu, spin up a vm using a cloud-init-enabled Debian image, ssh into it.


In case you get errors such as:

Could not access KVM kernel module: No such file or directory
qemu-system-x86_64: failed to initialize kvm: No such file or directory

Then this is usually a symptom of virtualization being disabled in the BIOS of the physical machine. Have a look at dmesg it might proide messages supporting this.

Setup qemu-guest / virtual machine for testing#

Now that you have qemu built and installed. You can use it to emulate NVMe devices in the guest for testing. The xNVMe Makefile has a bunch of helper-targets to do this. That is, spinning up the guest, synchronizing your xNVMe git repository changes into the qemu-guest, building, installing, and running tests.

Test Linux#

# Create a cijoe-config for a qemu-guest with Debian Bullseye
cp cijoe/configs/debian-bullseye.toml ~/.config/cijoe/cijoe-config.toml

# Provision the machine
make cijoe-guest-setup-xnvme-using-git

# Run the test
make cijoe-do-test-linux

Generate documentation in Linux#

You can reuse qemu-guest created in the previous section to generate the documentation.

make cijoe-do-docgen

Test FreeBSD#

# Create a cijoe-config for a qemu-guest with FreeBSD
cp cijoe/configs/debian-bullseye.toml ~/.config/cijoe/cijoe-config.toml

# Provision the machine
make cijoe-guest-setup-xnvme-using-git

# Run the test
make cijoe-do-test-freebsd

Reproduce GitHUB Actions locally#

The cijoe workflows and configurations in this directory are used in the xNVMe GitHUB actions. You can reproduce what is running on GitHUB by adjusting the config-files, and provide the artifacts from the GitHUB action:

  • xnvme-py-sdist.tar.gz

  • xnvme-src.tar.gz

Then, place the artifacts in /tmp/artifacts.

Test Linux#

Then you should be able to run the following to test Linux:

# Provision and test on Debian Bullseye
cp cijoe/configs/debian-bullseye.toml ~/.config/cijoe/cijoe-config.toml
# Edit the cijoe-config, then run

make cijoe-guest-setup-using-tgz
make cijoe-do-test-linux

Test FreeBSD#

Then you should be able to run the following to test xNVMe on FreeBSD:

# Provision and test on FreeBSD 13
cp cijoe/configs/freebsd-13.toml ~/.config/cijoe/cijoe-config.toml

make cijoe-guest-setup-using-tgz
make cijoe-do-test-freebsd

Generate docs#

And generate documentation:

# Generate documentation (provisions qemu-guest and generates the docs)
make cijoe-do-docgen

In case you are setting up the test-target using other tools, or just want to run pytest directly, then the following two sections describe how to do that.

Running pytest from the repository#

Invoke pytest providing a configuration file and an output directory for artifacts and captured output:

pytest \
  --config configs/debian-bullseye.toml \
  --output /tmp/somewhere \

The --config is needed to inform pytest about the environment you are running in such as which devices it can use for testing. The information is utilized by pytest to, among other things, do parametrization for xNVMe backend configurations etc.

Provision a qemu-guest#

Setup a virtual machine with xNVMe installed, and a bunch of NVMe devices configured:

cijoe -c configs/debian-bullseye.toml -w provision.yaml


It will likely fail with the error:

/bin/sh: 1: /opt/qemu/bin/qemu-system-x86_64: not found

This is because the default configuration is for running on Github. Thus, adjust the file configs/debian-bullseye.toml such that qemu is pointing to $HOME.

Create boot-images#

The debian-bullseye-amd64.qcow2 is created by:

cijoe -c configs/debian-bullseye.toml -w workflows/bootimg-debian-bullseye-amd64.yaml

The freebsd-13.1-ksrc-amd64.qcow2 is created by:

cijoe -c configs/freebsd-13.toml -w workflows/bootimg-freebsd-13-amd64.yaml

Remote dev#

Assuming your primary device for development is something like a Chromebook/ Macbook, something light-weight and great for reading mail… but now you want to fire up your editor and do some development.

Or, your primary system is simply separate from the dev-box for a myriad of reasons. Then, have a look at the existing cijoe configuration files in cijoe/configs/*.toml, copy one that mathes your intended system, e.g. use the configuration file for the qemu-guest as a starting point for a configuration file for another physical machine:

cp configs/debian-bullseye.toml ~/.config/cijoe/cijoe-config.toml

Open up ~/.config/cijoe/cijoe-config.toml and adjust it to your physical machine. That is, change the ssh-login information, change the list of devices, paths to binaries etc. Once you have done that, then go ahead and run:

# Synchronize your local git with the repos on the remote physical machine
make cijoe-sync-git

# Build and install xNVMe on the remote end
make cijoe-setup-xnvme-using-git

You can do any of the cijoe things like the above.