
FreeBSD (13)#

Install the required toolchain and libraries, with sufficient system privileges (e.g. as root or with sudo), by executing the commands below. You can run this from the root of the xNVMe by invoking:

sudo ./xnvme/toolbox/pkgs/

Or, run the commands contained within the script manually:

# Install packages via the system package-manager (pkg)
pkg install -qy \
 autoconf \
 automake \
 bash \
 cunit \
 devel/py-pipx \
 devel/py-pyelftools \
 e2fsprogs-libuuid \
 findutils \
 git \
 gmake \
 isa-l \
 libtool \
 meson \
 nasm \
 ncurses \
 openssl \
 patch \
 pkgconf \
 python3 \


A Docker-image is provided via, specifically This Docker-image contains all the software described above.

Then go ahead and configure, build and install using meson:

# configure xNVMe and build meson subprojects(SPDK)
meson setup builddir

# build xNVMe
meson compile -C builddir

# install xNVMe
meson install -C builddir

# uninstall xNVMe
# cd builddir && meson --internal uninstall


Interfaces; libaio, liburing, and libvfn are not supported on FreeBSD.