Usage: xnvme_file <command> [<args>]
Where <command> is one of:
write-read | Write and read a file
dump-sync | Write a buffer of 'data-nbytes' to file
dump-sync-iovec | Write a buffer of 'data-nbytes' to file using vectored ios
dump-async | Write a buffer of 'data-nbytes' to file --data-output
dump-async-iovec | Write a buffer of 'data-nbytes' to file --data-output using vectored ios
load-sync | Read the entire file into memory
load-async | Read the entire file into memory
copy-sync | Copy file --data-input to --data--output
copy-async | Copy file -- asynchronously
See 'xnvme_file <command> --help' for the description of [<args>]
xNVMe file - Exercise the xnvme_file API -- ver: {major: 0, minor: 7, patch: 5}