
Alpine Linux (latest)#

Install the required toolchain and libraries by running the package installation script provided with the xNVMe repository, as shown below. Ensure that you have sufficient system privileges when doing so (e.g., run as root or with sudo):

sudo ./xnvme/toolbox/pkgs/

Or, run the commands contained within the script manually:

# Install packages via the system package-manager (apk)
apk add \
 bash \
 bsd-compat-headers \
 build-base \
 clang15-extra-tools \
 coreutils \
 cunit \
 findutils \
 gawk \
 git \
 libaio-dev \
 libarchive-dev \
 liburing-dev \
 libuuid \
 linux-headers \
 make \
 meson \
 musl-dev \
 nasm \
 ncurses \
 numactl-dev \
 openssl-dev \
 patch \
 perl \
 pkgconf \
 py3-pip \
 python3 \
 python3-dev \

# Clone, build and install libvfn
# Assumptions:
# - Dependencies for building libvfn are met (system packages etc.)
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository
git checkout v5.1.0
meson setup builddir -Dlibnvme="disabled" -Ddocs="disabled" --buildtype=release --prefix=/usr
meson compile -C builddir
meson install -C builddir

# Install packages via the Python package-manager (pip)
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install \


A Docker-image is provided via, specifically This Docker-image contains all the software described above.

Then go ahead and configure, build and install using meson:

# configure xNVMe and build meson subprojects(SPDK)
meson setup builddir

# build xNVMe
meson compile -C builddir

# install xNVMe
meson install -C builddir

# uninstall xNVMe
# cd builddir && meson --internal uninstall


There are issues with SPDK/DPDK due to incompatibilities with the standard library provided by musl libc. Additionally, the libexecinfo-dev package is no longer available on Alpine. Additionally, libvfn also relies on libexecinfo-dev which is currently not available for Alpine Linux. Thus, it is also disabled. Pull-request fixing these issues are most welcome, until then, disable libvfn and spdk on Alpine.

Arch Linux (latest)#

Install the required toolchain and libraries by running the package installation script provided with the xNVMe repository, as shown below. Ensure that you have sufficient system privileges when doing so (e.g., run as root or with sudo):

sudo ./xnvme/toolbox/pkgs/

Or, run the commands contained within the script manually:

# Install packages via the system package-manager (pacman)
pacman -Syyu --noconfirm
pacman -S --noconfirm \
 base-devel \
 bash \
 clang \
 cunit \
 findutils \
 git \
 libaio \
 libarchive \
 liburing \
 libutil-linux \
 make \
 meson \
 nasm \
 ncurses \
 numactl \
 openssl \
 patch \
 pkg-config \
 python-pip \
 python-pipx \
 python-pyelftools \
 python-setuptools \
 python3 \

# Clone, build and install libvfn
# Assumptions:
# - Dependencies for building libvfn are met (system packages etc.)
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository
git checkout v5.1.0
meson setup builddir -Dlibnvme="disabled" -Ddocs="disabled" --buildtype=release --prefix=/usr
meson compile -C builddir
meson install -C builddir

# Clone, build and install libisal
# Assumptions:
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/libisal/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/libisal/repository
git checkout v2.30.0
./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib
make install


A Docker-image is provided via, specifically This Docker-image contains all the software described above.

Then go ahead and configure, build and install using meson:

# configure xNVMe and build meson subprojects(SPDK)
meson setup builddir

# build xNVMe
meson compile -C builddir

# install xNVMe
meson install -C builddir

# uninstall xNVMe
# cd builddir && meson --internal uninstall


The build is configured to install with --prefix=/usr this is intentional such the the pkg-config files end up in the default search path on the system. If you do not want this, then remove --prefix=/usr and adjust your $PKG_CONFIG_PATH accordingly.

Oracle Linux (9)#

Install the required toolchain and libraries by running the package installation script provided with the xNVMe repository, as shown below. Ensure that you have sufficient system privileges when doing so (e.g., run as root or with sudo):

sudo ./xnvme/toolbox/pkgs/

Or, run the commands contained within the script manually:

# This repo has CUnit-devel + meson
dnf install -y 'dnf-command(config-manager)'
dnf config-manager --set-enabled ol9_codeready_builder

# Install packages via the system package-manager (dnf)
dnf install -y \
 CUnit-devel \
 autoconf \
 bash \
 clang-tools-extra \
 diffutils \
 findutils \
 gcc \
 gcc-c++ \
 git \
 libaio-devel \
 libarchive-devel \
 libtool \
 libuuid-devel \
 make \
 meson \
 nasm \
 ncurses \
 numactl-devel \
 openssl-devel \
 patch \
 pkgconfig \
 procps \
 python3-devel \
 python3-pip \
 python3-pyelftools \
 unzip \
 wget \

# Install packages via the Python package-manager (pip)
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install \

# Clone, build and install libisal
# Assumptions:
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/libisal/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/libisal/repository
git checkout v2.30.0
./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib64
make install

# Clone, build and install liburing v2.2
# Assumptions:
# - Dependencies for building liburing are met (system packages etc.)
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/liburing/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/liburing/repository
git checkout liburing-2.2
./configure --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libdevdir=/usr/lib64
make install

# Clone, build and install libvfn
# Assumptions:
# - Dependencies for building libvfn are met (system packages etc.)
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository
git checkout v5.1.0
meson setup builddir -Dlibnvme="disabled" -Ddocs="disabled" --buildtype=release --prefix=/usr
meson compile -C builddir
meson install -C builddir


A Docker-image is provided via, specifically This Docker-image contains all the software described above.

Then go ahead and configure, build and install using meson:

# configure xNVMe and build meson subprojects(SPDK)
meson setup builddir

# build xNVMe
meson compile -C builddir

# install xNVMe
meson install -C builddir

# uninstall xNVMe
# cd builddir && meson --internal uninstall

Rocky Linux (9.2)#

Install the required toolchain and libraries by running the package installation script provided with the xNVMe repository, as shown below. Ensure that you have sufficient system privileges when doing so (e.g., run as root or with sudo):

sudo ./xnvme/toolbox/pkgs/

Or, run the commands contained within the script manually:

# This repo has CUnit-devel + meson
dnf install -y 'dnf-command(config-manager)'
dnf config-manager --set-enabled crb

# Install packages via the system package-manager (dnf)
dnf install -y \
 CUnit-devel \
 autoconf \
 bash \
 clang-tools-extra \
 diffutils \
 findutils \
 gcc \
 gcc-c++ \
 git \
 libaio-devel \
 libarchive-devel \
 libtool \
 libuuid-devel \
 make \
 meson \
 nasm \
 ncurses \
 numactl-devel \
 openssl-devel \
 patch \
 pkgconfig \
 procps \
 python3-devel \
 python3-pip \
 python3-pyelftools \
 unzip \
 wget \

# Install packages via the Python package-manager (pip)
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install \

# Clone, build and install libisal
# Assumptions:
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/libisal/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/libisal/repository
git checkout v2.30.0
./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib64
make install

# Clone, build and install liburing v2.2
# Assumptions:
# - Dependencies for building liburing are met (system packages etc.)
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/liburing/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/liburing/repository
git checkout liburing-2.2
./configure --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libdevdir=/usr/lib64
make install

# Clone, build and install libvfn
# Assumptions:
# - Dependencies for building libvfn are met (system packages etc.)
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository
git checkout v5.1.0
meson setup builddir -Dlibnvme="disabled" -Ddocs="disabled" --buildtype=release --prefix=/usr
meson compile -C builddir
meson install -C builddir


A Docker-image is provided via, specifically This Docker-image contains all the software described above.

Then go ahead and configure, build and install using meson:

# configure xNVMe and build meson subprojects(SPDK)
meson setup builddir

# build xNVMe
meson compile -C builddir

# install xNVMe
meson install -C builddir

# uninstall xNVMe
# cd builddir && meson --internal uninstall

CentOS Stream 9 (stream9)#

Install the required toolchain and libraries by running the package installation script provided with the xNVMe repository, as shown below. Ensure that you have sufficient system privileges when doing so (e.g., run as root or with sudo):

sudo ./xnvme/toolbox/pkgs/

Or, run the commands contained within the script manually:

# This repos has CUnit-devel
dnf install -y 'dnf-command(config-manager)'
dnf config-manager --set-enabled crb

# Install packages via the system package-manager (dnf)
dnf install -y \
 CUnit-devel \
 autoconf \
 bash \
 diffutils \
 findutils \
 gcc \
 gcc-c++ \
 git \
 libaio-devel \
 libarchive-devel \
 libtool \
 libuuid-devel \
 make \
 nasm \
 ncurses \
 numactl-devel \
 openssl-devel \
 patch \
 pkgconfig \
 procps \
 python3-devel \
 python3-pip \
 unzip \
 wget \

# Install packages via the Python package-manager (pip)
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip # Otherwise too old to understand new Manylinux formats
python3 -m pip install \
 meson \
 ninja \
 pipx \

# Clone, build and install libisal
# Assumptions:
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/libisal/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/libisal/repository
git checkout v2.30.0
./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib64
make install

# Clone, build and install liburing v2.2
# Assumptions:
# - Dependencies for building liburing are met (system packages etc.)
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/liburing/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/liburing/repository
git checkout liburing-2.2
./configure --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libdevdir=/usr/lib64
make install

# Clone, build and install libvfn
# Assumptions:
# - Dependencies for building libvfn are met (system packages etc.)
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository
git checkout v5.1.0
meson setup builddir -Dlibnvme="disabled" -Ddocs="disabled" --buildtype=release --prefix=/usr
meson compile -C builddir
meson install -C builddir


A Docker-image is provided via, specifically This Docker-image contains all the software described above.

Then go ahead and configure, build and install using meson:

# configure xNVMe and build meson subprojects(SPDK)
meson setup builddir

# build xNVMe
meson compile -C builddir

# install xNVMe
meson install -C builddir

# uninstall xNVMe
# cd builddir && meson --internal uninstall

Debian Testing (trixie)#

Install the required toolchain and libraries by running the package installation script provided with the xNVMe repository, as shown below. Ensure that you have sufficient system privileges when doing so (e.g., run as root or with sudo):

sudo ./xnvme/toolbox/pkgs/

Or, run the commands contained within the script manually:

# Unattended update, upgrade, and install
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
export DEBIAN_PRIORITY=critical
apt-get -qy update
apt-get -qy \
  -o "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef" \
  -o "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold" upgrade
apt-get -qy --no-install-recommends install apt-utils
apt-get -qy autoclean
apt-get -qy install \
 autoconf \
 bash \
 build-essential \
 clang-format \
 findutils \
 git \
 libaio-dev \
 libarchive-dev \
 libcunit1-dev \
 libisal-dev \
 libncurses5-dev \
 libnuma-dev \
 libssl-dev \
 libtool \
 liburing-dev \
 make \
 meson \
 nasm \
 openssl \
 patch \
 pipx \
 pkg-config \
 python3 \
 python3-pip \
 python3-pyelftools \
 python3-venv \

# Clone, build and install libvfn
# Assumptions:
# - Dependencies for building libvfn are met (system packages etc.)
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository
git checkout v5.1.0
meson setup builddir -Dlibnvme="disabled" -Ddocs="disabled" --buildtype=release --prefix=/usr
meson compile -C builddir
meson install -C builddir


A Docker-image is provided via, specifically This Docker-image contains all the software described above.

Then go ahead and configure, build and install using meson:

# configure xNVMe and build meson subprojects(SPDK)
meson setup builddir

# build xNVMe
meson compile -C builddir

# install xNVMe
meson install -C builddir

# uninstall xNVMe
# cd builddir && meson --internal uninstall

Debian Stable (bookworm)#

Install the required toolchain and libraries by running the package installation script provided with the xNVMe repository, as shown below. Ensure that you have sufficient system privileges when doing so (e.g., run as root or with sudo):

sudo ./xnvme/toolbox/pkgs/

Or, run the commands contained within the script manually:

# Unattended update, upgrade, and install
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
export DEBIAN_PRIORITY=critical
apt-get -qy update
apt-get -qy \
  -o "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef" \
  -o "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold" upgrade
apt-get -qy --no-install-recommends install apt-utils
apt-get -qy autoclean
apt-get -qy install \
 autoconf \
 bash \
 build-essential \
 clang-format \
 findutils \
 git \
 libaio-dev \
 libarchive-dev \
 libcunit1-dev \
 libisal-dev \
 libncurses5-dev \
 libnuma-dev \
 libssl-dev \
 libtool \
 liburing-dev \
 make \
 meson \
 nasm \
 openssl \
 patch \
 pipx \
 pkg-config \
 python3 \
 python3-pip \
 python3-pyelftools \
 python3-venv \

# Clone, build and install libvfn
# Assumptions:
# - Dependencies for building libvfn are met (system packages etc.)
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository
git checkout v5.1.0
meson setup builddir -Dlibnvme="disabled" -Ddocs="disabled" --buildtype=release --prefix=/usr
meson compile -C builddir
meson install -C builddir


A Docker-image is provided via, specifically This Docker-image contains all the software described above.

Then go ahead and configure, build and install using meson:

# configure xNVMe and build meson subprojects(SPDK)
meson setup builddir

# build xNVMe
meson compile -C builddir

# install xNVMe
meson install -C builddir

# uninstall xNVMe
# cd builddir && meson --internal uninstall

Debian Oldstable (bullseye)#

Install the required toolchain and libraries by running the package installation script provided with the xNVMe repository, as shown below. Ensure that you have sufficient system privileges when doing so (e.g., run as root or with sudo):

sudo ./xnvme/toolbox/pkgs/

Or, run the commands contained within the script manually:

# Unattended update, upgrade, and install
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
export DEBIAN_PRIORITY=critical
apt-get -qy update
apt-get -qy \
  -o "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef" \
  -o "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold" upgrade
apt-get -qy --no-install-recommends install apt-utils
apt-get -qy autoclean
apt-get -qy install \
 autoconf \
 bash \
 build-essential \
 clang-format \
 findutils \
 git \
 libaio-dev \
 libarchive-dev \
 libcunit1-dev \
 libisal-dev \
 libncurses5-dev \
 libnuma-dev \
 libssl-dev \
 libtool \
 make \
 nasm \
 openssl \
 patch \
 pkg-config \
 python3 \
 python3-pip \
 python3-pyelftools \
 python3-venv \

# Install packages via the Python package-manager (pip)
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install \
 meson \
 ninja \

# Clone, build and install liburing v2.2
# Assumptions:
# - Dependencies for building liburing are met (system packages etc.)
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/liburing/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/liburing/repository
git checkout liburing-2.2
make install

# Clone, build and install libvfn
# Assumptions:
# - Dependencies for building libvfn are met (system packages etc.)
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository
git checkout v5.1.0
meson setup builddir -Dlibnvme="disabled" -Ddocs="disabled" --buildtype=release --prefix=/usr
meson compile -C builddir
meson install -C builddir


A Docker-image is provided via, specifically This Docker-image contains all the software described above.

Then go ahead and configure, build and install using meson:

# configure xNVMe and build meson subprojects(SPDK)
meson setup builddir

# build xNVMe
meson compile -C builddir

# install xNVMe
meson install -C builddir

# uninstall xNVMe
# cd builddir && meson --internal uninstall

Fedora (41)#

Install the required toolchain and libraries by running the package installation script provided with the xNVMe repository, as shown below. Ensure that you have sufficient system privileges when doing so (e.g., run as root or with sudo):

sudo ./xnvme/toolbox/pkgs/

Or, run the commands contained within the script manually:

# Install packages via the system package-manager (dnf)
dnf install -y \
 CUnit-devel \
 autoconf \
 bash \
 clang-tools-extra \
 diffutils \
 findutils \
 g++ \
 gcc \
 git \
 isa-l \
 libaio-devel \
 libarchive-devel \
 libtool \
 liburing \
 liburing-devel \
 libuuid-devel \
 make \
 meson \
 nasm \
 ncurses \
 numactl-devel \
 openssl-devel \
 patch \
 pipx \
 pkgconfig \
 procps \
 python3-devel \
 python3-pip \
 python3-pyelftools \

# Clone, build and install libvfn
# Assumptions:
# - Dependencies for building libvfn are met (system packages etc.)
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository
git checkout v5.1.0
meson setup builddir -Dlibnvme="disabled" -Ddocs="disabled" --buildtype=release --prefix=/usr
meson compile -C builddir
meson install -C builddir


A Docker-image is provided via, specifically This Docker-image contains all the software described above.

Then go ahead and configure, build and install using meson:

# configure xNVMe and build meson subprojects(SPDK)
meson setup builddir

# build xNVMe
meson compile -C builddir

# install xNVMe
meson install -C builddir

# uninstall xNVMe
# cd builddir && meson --internal uninstall

Fedora (40)#

Install the required toolchain and libraries by running the package installation script provided with the xNVMe repository, as shown below. Ensure that you have sufficient system privileges when doing so (e.g., run as root or with sudo):

sudo ./xnvme/toolbox/pkgs/

Or, run the commands contained within the script manually:

# Install packages via the system package-manager (dnf)
dnf install -y \
 CUnit-devel \
 autoconf \
 bash \
 clang-tools-extra \
 diffutils \
 findutils \
 g++ \
 gcc \
 git \
 isa-l \
 libaio-devel \
 libarchive-devel \
 libtool \
 liburing \
 liburing-devel \
 libuuid-devel \
 make \
 meson \
 nasm \
 ncurses \
 numactl-devel \
 openssl-devel \
 patch \
 pipx \
 pkgconfig \
 procps \
 python3-devel \
 python3-pip \
 python3-pyelftools \

# Clone, build and install libvfn
# Assumptions:
# - Dependencies for building libvfn are met (system packages etc.)
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository
git checkout v5.1.0
meson setup builddir -Dlibnvme="disabled" -Ddocs="disabled" --buildtype=release --prefix=/usr
meson compile -C builddir
meson install -C builddir


A Docker-image is provided via, specifically This Docker-image contains all the software described above.

Then go ahead and configure, build and install using meson:

# configure xNVMe and build meson subprojects(SPDK)
meson setup builddir

# build xNVMe
meson compile -C builddir

# install xNVMe
meson install -C builddir

# uninstall xNVMe
# cd builddir && meson --internal uninstall

Fedora (39)#

Install the required toolchain and libraries by running the package installation script provided with the xNVMe repository, as shown below. Ensure that you have sufficient system privileges when doing so (e.g., run as root or with sudo):

sudo ./xnvme/toolbox/pkgs/

Or, run the commands contained within the script manually:

# Install packages via the system package-manager (dnf)
dnf install -y \
 CUnit-devel \
 autoconf \
 bash \
 clang-tools-extra \
 diffutils \
 findutils \
 g++ \
 gcc \
 git \
 isa-l \
 libaio-devel \
 libarchive-devel \
 libtool \
 liburing \
 liburing-devel \
 libuuid-devel \
 make \
 meson \
 nasm \
 ncurses \
 numactl-devel \
 openssl-devel \
 patch \
 pipx \
 pkgconfig \
 procps \
 python3-devel \
 python3-pip \
 python3-pyelftools \

# Clone, build and install libvfn
# Assumptions:
# - Dependencies for building libvfn are met (system packages etc.)
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository
git checkout v5.1.0
meson setup builddir -Dlibnvme="disabled" -Ddocs="disabled" --buildtype=release --prefix=/usr
meson compile -C builddir
meson install -C builddir


A Docker-image is provided via, specifically This Docker-image contains all the software described above.

Then go ahead and configure, build and install using meson:

# configure xNVMe and build meson subprojects(SPDK)
meson setup builddir

# build xNVMe
meson compile -C builddir

# install xNVMe
meson install -C builddir

# uninstall xNVMe
# cd builddir && meson --internal uninstall

Ubuntu Latest (lunar)#

Install the required toolchain and libraries by running the package installation script provided with the xNVMe repository, as shown below. Ensure that you have sufficient system privileges when doing so (e.g., run as root or with sudo):

sudo ./xnvme/toolbox/pkgs/

Or, run the commands contained within the script manually:


A Docker-image is provided via, specifically This Docker-image contains all the software described above.

Then go ahead and configure, build and install using meson:

# configure xNVMe and build meson subprojects(SPDK)
meson setup builddir

# build xNVMe
meson compile -C builddir

# install xNVMe
meson install -C builddir

# uninstall xNVMe
# cd builddir && meson --internal uninstall


All tools and libraries are available via system package-manager.

Ubuntu LTS (jammy)#

Install the required toolchain and libraries by running the package installation script provided with the xNVMe repository, as shown below. Ensure that you have sufficient system privileges when doing so (e.g., run as root or with sudo):

sudo ./xnvme/toolbox/pkgs/

Or, run the commands contained within the script manually:

# Unattended update, upgrade, and install
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
export DEBIAN_PRIORITY=critical
apt-get -qy update
apt-get -qy \
  -o "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef" \
  -o "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold" upgrade
apt-get -qy --no-install-recommends install apt-utils
apt-get -qy autoclean
apt-get -qy install \
 autoconf \
 bash \
 build-essential \
 clang-format \
 findutils \
 git \
 libaio-dev \
 libarchive-dev \
 libcunit1-dev \
 libisal-dev \
 libncurses5-dev \
 libnuma-dev \
 libssl-dev \
 libtool \
 make \
 nasm \
 openssl \
 patch \
 pipx \
 pkg-config \
 python3 \
 python3-pip \
 python3-pyelftools \
 python3-venv \

# Install packages via the Python package-manager (pip)
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install \
 meson \

# Clone, build and install liburing v2.2
# Assumptions:
# - Dependencies for building liburing are met (system packages etc.)
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/liburing/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/liburing/repository
git checkout liburing-2.2
make install

# Clone, build and install libvfn
# Assumptions:
# - Dependencies for building libvfn are met (system packages etc.)
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository
git checkout v5.1.0
meson setup builddir -Dlibnvme="disabled" -Ddocs="disabled" --buildtype=release --prefix=/usr
meson compile -C builddir
meson install -C builddir


A Docker-image is provided via, specifically This Docker-image contains all the software described above.

Then go ahead and configure, build and install using meson:

# configure xNVMe and build meson subprojects(SPDK)
meson setup builddir

# build xNVMe
meson compile -C builddir

# install xNVMe
meson install -C builddir

# uninstall xNVMe
# cd builddir && meson --internal uninstall


Installing liburing from source and meson + ninja via pip

Ubuntu LTS (focal)#

Install the required toolchain and libraries by running the package installation script provided with the xNVMe repository, as shown below. Ensure that you have sufficient system privileges when doing so (e.g., run as root or with sudo):

sudo ./xnvme/toolbox/pkgs/

Or, run the commands contained within the script manually:

# Unattended update, upgrade, and install
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
export DEBIAN_PRIORITY=critical
apt-get -qy update
apt-get -qy \
  -o "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef" \
  -o "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold" upgrade
apt-get -qy --no-install-recommends install apt-utils
apt-get -qy autoclean
apt-get -qy install \
 autoconf \
 bash \
 build-essential \
 clang-format \
 findutils \
 git \
 libaio-dev \
 libarchive-dev \
 libcunit1-dev \
 libisal-dev \
 libncurses5-dev \
 libnuma-dev \
 libssl-dev \
 libtool \
 make \
 nasm \
 openssl \
 patch \
 pipx \
 pkg-config \
 python3 \
 python3-pip \
 python3-pyelftools \
 python3-venv \

# Install packages via the Python package-manager (pip)
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install \
 meson \

# Clone, build and install liburing v2.2
# Assumptions:
# - Dependencies for building liburing are met (system packages etc.)
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/liburing/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/liburing/repository
git checkout liburing-2.2
make install

# Clone, build and install libvfn
# Assumptions:
# - Dependencies for building libvfn are met (system packages etc.)
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository
git checkout v5.1.0
meson setup builddir -Dlibnvme="disabled" -Ddocs="disabled" --buildtype=release --prefix=/usr
meson compile -C builddir
meson install -C builddir


A Docker-image is provided via, specifically This Docker-image contains all the software described above.

Then go ahead and configure, build and install using meson:

# configure xNVMe and build meson subprojects(SPDK)
meson setup builddir

# build xNVMe
meson compile -C builddir

# install xNVMe
meson install -C builddir

# uninstall xNVMe
# cd builddir && meson --internal uninstall


Installing liburing from source and meson + ninja via pip

Gentoo (latest)#

Install the required toolchain and libraries by running the package installation script provided with the xNVMe repository, as shown below. Ensure that you have sufficient system privileges when doing so (e.g., run as root or with sudo):

sudo ./xnvme/toolbox/pkgs/

Or, run the commands contained within the script manually:

echo ""
echo "build requires linking against ncurses AND tinfo, run the following before compilation:"
echo "export LDFLAGS=\"-ltinfo -lncurses\""

emerge \
 app-arch/libarchive \
 bash \
 dev-build/meson \
 dev-lang/nasm \
 dev-libs/isa-l \
 dev-libs/libaio \
 dev-libs/openssl \
 dev-python/pip \
 dev-python/pyelftools \
 dev-util/cunit \
 dev-util/pkgconf \
 dev-vcs/git \
 findutils \
 make \
 patch \
 sys-libs/liburing \
 sys-libs/ncurses \

# Clone, build and install libvfn
# Assumptions:
# - Dependencies for building libvfn are met (system packages etc.)
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository
git checkout v5.1.0
meson setup builddir -Dlibnvme="disabled" -Ddocs="disabled" --buildtype=release --prefix=/usr
meson compile -C builddir
meson install -C builddir

# Install packages via the Python package-manager (pip)
python3 -m pip install --break-system-packages \


A Docker-image is provided via, specifically This Docker-image contains all the software described above.

Then go ahead and configure, build and install using meson:

# configure xNVMe and build meson subprojects(SPDK)
meson setup builddir

# build xNVMe
meson compile -C builddir

# install xNVMe
meson install -C builddir

# uninstall xNVMe
# cd builddir && meson --internal uninstall


In case you get error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line, during compilation, then add -ltinfo -lnurces to LDFLAGS as it is done in the commands above. The build is configured to install with --prefix=/usr this is intentional such the the pkg-config files end up in the default search path on the system. If you do not want this, then remove --prefix=/usr and adjust your $PKG_CONFIG_PATH accordingly.

openSUSE (tumbleweed-latest)#

Install the required toolchain and libraries by running the package installation script provided with the xNVMe repository, as shown below. Ensure that you have sufficient system privileges when doing so (e.g., run as root or with sudo):

sudo ./xnvme/toolbox/pkgs/

Or, run the commands contained within the script manually:

zypper --non-interactive refresh

# Install packages via the system package-manager (zypper)
zypper --non-interactive install -y --allow-downgrade \
 autoconf \
 awk \
 bash \
 clang-tools \
 cunit-devel \
 findutils \
 gcc \
 gcc-c++ \
 git \
 gzip \
 libaio-devel \
 libarchive-devel \
 libnuma-devel \
 libopenssl-devel \
 libtool \
 liburing-devel \
 libuuid-devel \
 make \
 meson \
 nasm \
 ncurses \
 patch \
 pkg-config \
 python3 \
 python3-devel \
 python3-pip \
 python3-pipx \
 python3-pyelftools \
 python3-setuptools \

# Clone, build and install libvfn
# Assumptions:
# - Dependencies for building libvfn are met (system packages etc.)
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository
git checkout v5.1.0
meson setup builddir -Dlibnvme="disabled" -Ddocs="disabled" --buildtype=release --prefix=/usr
meson compile -C builddir
meson install -C builddir

# Clone, build and install libisal
# Assumptions:
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/libisal/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/libisal/repository
git checkout v2.30.0
./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib
make install


A Docker-image is provided via, specifically This Docker-image contains all the software described above.

Then go ahead and configure, build and install using meson:

# configure xNVMe and build meson subprojects(SPDK)
meson setup builddir

# build xNVMe
meson compile -C builddir

# install xNVMe
meson install -C builddir

# uninstall xNVMe
# cd builddir && meson --internal uninstall


All tools and libraries are available via system package-manager.