
The Windows backend communicates with the Windows NVMe driver StorNVMe.sys via IOCTLs. The backend relies on the NVMe pass-through through IOCTLs to submit admin, IO and arbitrary user-defined commands.

Currently Windows backend will work only with the inbox NVMe driver.

Toolchain Support:

Run the below mention batch file to install listed packages:

xNVMe can be build by using given build.bat,

# build: auto-configure xNVMe, build third-party libraries, and xNVMe itself

# config: only configure xNVMe
build.bat config

# config: debug only configure xNVMe
build.bat config-debug

# install xNVMe
build.bat install

# uninstall xNVMe
# build.bat uninstall

Windows support two schemas dev and file. * dev: uses NVMe pass-through IOCTLs * file uses Windows Read/Write file

# Use the IOCTL implementation or fail xnvme info \.PhysicalDrive1

# Use the file implementation or fail xnvme info \.PhysicalDrive1

Note on Errors#

Some commands may be issued through ioctl that are invalid. While most commands will still be issued to the drive and the error relayed back to the user, some violations may be picked up by the kernel cause the ioctl to fail with -1 and GetLastError() set to Invalid Argument.

In this case, the backend will transform such errors into the NVMe equivalent. See the documentation on xnvme_cmd_ctx.