Async I/O via iocp_th#

Similar to iocp interface, only difference is separate poller is used to fetch the completed IOs.

One can explicitly tell xNVMe to utilize iocp_th for async I/O by encoding it in the device identifier, like so:

xnvme_io_async read \\.\PhysicalDrive0 --slba 0x0 --qdepth 1 --async iocp_th

Yielding the output:

# Allocating and filling buf of nbytes: 512
# Initializing queue and setting default callback function and arguments
# Read uri: '\\.\PhysicalDrive0', qd: 1
  slba: 0x0000000000000000
  elba: 0x0000000000000000
  naddrs: 1
  nbytes: 512
  attr: { is_zones: 0, is_valid: 1}
wall-clock: {elapsed: 0.0002, mib: 0.00, mib_sec: 2.14}
# cb_args: {submitted: 1, completed: 1, ecount: 0}