


int xnvme_adm_dir_recv(struct xnvme_cmd_ctx *ctx, uint32_t nsid, uint8_t doper, uint32_t dtype, uint32_t val, void *dbuf, size_t dbuf_nbytes)#

Submit and wait for completion of directive receive command.

  • ctx – Pointer to xnvme_cmd_ctx

  • nsid – Namespace identifier

  • doper – Directive operation to perform

  • dtype – Directive type

  • val – Value specific to command dword 12

  • dbuf – pointer to data-payload

  • dbuf_nbytes – size of the data-payload in bytes


On success, 0 is returned. On error, negative errno is returned.


int xnvme_adm_dir_send(struct xnvme_cmd_ctx *ctx, uint32_t nsid, uint8_t doper, uint32_t dtype, uint32_t dspec, uint32_t val)#

Submit and wait for completion of directive send command.

  • ctx – Pointer to xnvme_cmd_ctx

  • nsid – Namespace identifier

  • doper – Directive operation to perform

  • dtype – Directive type

  • dspec – Directive specific

  • val – Value specific to command dword 12


On success, 0 is returned. On error, negative errno is returned.


int xnvme_adm_format(struct xnvme_cmd_ctx *ctx, uint32_t nsid, uint8_t lbaf, uint8_t zf, uint8_t mset, uint8_t ses, uint8_t pi, uint8_t pil)#

Submit and wait for completion of an NVMe Format NVM command.

TODO: consider timeout, reset, and need for library/dev re-initialization

  • ctx – Pointer to xnvme_cmd_ctx

  • nsid – Namespace identifier

  • lbaf – The LBA format to format the Namespace with

  • zf – Zone Format

  • mset – Metadata Settings

  • ses – Secure erase settings; 0x0: No Secure Erase, 0x1: User Data erase, 0x2: Cryptographic Erase

  • pil – Protection information location; 0x0: last eight bytes of metadata, 0x1: first eight bytes of metadata

  • pi – Protection information; 0x0: Disabled, 0x1: Enabled(Type1), 0x2: Enabled(Type2), 0x3: Enabled(Type3)


On success, 0 is returned. On error, negative errno is returned.


int xnvme_adm_gfeat(struct xnvme_cmd_ctx *ctx, uint32_t nsid, uint8_t fid, uint8_t sel, void *dbuf, size_t dbuf_nbytes)#

Submit and wait for completion of an NVMe Get Features (gfeat) command.

  • ctx – Pointer to xnvme_cmd_ctx

  • nsid – Namespace identifier

  • fid – Feature identifier

  • sel – Select which value of the feature to select, that is, one of current/default/saved/supported

  • dbuf – pointer to data-payload, use if required for the given fid

  • dbuf_nbytes – size of data-payload in bytes


On success, 0 is returned. On error, negative errno is returned.


int xnvme_adm_idfy(struct xnvme_cmd_ctx *ctx, uint8_t cns, uint16_t cntid, uint8_t nsid, uint16_t nvmsetid, uint8_t uuid, struct xnvme_spec_idfy *dbuf)#

SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.

SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause Submit and wait for completion of an NVMe Identify command

  • ctx – Pointer to xnvme_cmd_ctx

  • cns – the xnvme_spec_idfy_cns to retrieve

  • cntid – Controller Identifier

  • nsid – Namespace Identifier

  • nvmsetid – NVM set Identifier

  • uuid – UUID index

  • dbuf – ponter to data-payload


On success, 0 is returned. On error, negative errno is returned.


int xnvme_adm_idfy_ctrlr(struct xnvme_cmd_ctx *ctx, struct xnvme_spec_idfy *dbuf)#

Submit and wait for completion of an NVMe Identify command for the controller associated with the given device.

  • ctx – Pointer to xnvme_cmd_ctx

  • dbuf – pointer to data-payload


On success, 0 is returned. On error, negative errno is returned.


int xnvme_adm_idfy_ctrlr_csi(struct xnvme_cmd_ctx *ctx, uint8_t csi, struct xnvme_spec_idfy *dbuf)#

Submit and wait for completion of an NVMe Identify Controller command.


On success, 0 is returned. On error, negative errno is returned.


int xnvme_adm_idfy_ns(struct xnvme_cmd_ctx *ctx, uint32_t nsid, struct xnvme_spec_idfy *dbuf)#

Submit and wait for completion of an NVMe Identify command for the given nsid.

Execute an NVMe identify namespace command for the namespace associated with the given ‘dev’ when ‘nsid’=0, execute for the given ‘nsid’ when it is > 0, when the given ‘nsid’ == 0, then the command is executed for the namespace associated with the given device


On success, 0 is returned. On error, negative errno is returned.


int xnvme_adm_idfy_ns_csi(struct xnvme_cmd_ctx *ctx, uint32_t nsid, uint8_t csi, struct xnvme_spec_idfy *dbuf)#

Submit and wait for completion of an NVMe Identify command for the given nsid.

Execute an I/O Command Set specific NVMe identify namespace command for the given ‘nsid’. When the given ‘nsid’ == 0, then the command is executed for the namespace associated with the given device


On success, 0 is returned. On error, negative errno is returned.


int xnvme_adm_log(struct xnvme_cmd_ctx *ctx, uint8_t lid, uint8_t lsp, uint64_t lpo_nbytes, uint32_t nsid, uint8_t rae, void *dbuf, uint32_t dbuf_nbytes)#

Submit and wait for completion of an NVMe Get Log Page command.

  • ctx – Pointer to xnvme_cmd_ctx

  • lid – Log Page Identifier for the log to retrieve entries for

  • lsp – Log Specific Field for the log to retrieve entries for

  • lpo_nbytes – Log page Offset in BYTES

  • nsid – Namespace Identifier

  • rae – Retain Asynchronous Event, 0=Clear, 1=Retain

  • dbuf – Buffer allocated with xnvme_buf_alloc

  • dbuf_nbytes – Number of BYTES to write from log-page to buf


On success, 0 is returned. On error, negative errno is returned.


int xnvme_adm_sfeat(struct xnvme_cmd_ctx *ctx, uint32_t nsid, uint8_t fid, uint32_t feat, uint8_t save, const void *dbuf, size_t dbuf_nbytes)#

Submit and wait for completion of an NVMe Set Feature (sfeat) command.

  • ctx – Pointer to xnvme_cmd_ctx

  • nsid – Namespace identifier

  • fid – Feature identifier (see NVMe 1.3; Figure 84)

  • feat – Structure defining feature attributes

  • save

  • dbuf – pointer to data-payload

  • dbuf_nbytes – size of the data-payload in bytes


On success, 0 is returned. On error, negative errno is returned.


int xnvme_nvm_sanitize(struct xnvme_cmd_ctx *ctx, uint8_t sanact, bool ause, uint32_t ovrpat, uint8_t owpass, bool oipbp, bool nodas)#

Submit and wait for completion of an Sanitize command.


consider timeout, reset, and need for library/dev re-initialization


Success of this function only means that the sanitize command succeeded and that the sanitize operation has started.

  • ctx – Pointer to xnvme_cmd_ctx

  • sanact – Sanitize action; 0x1: Exit failure mode, 0x2: Block Erase, 0x3 Overwrite, 0x4 Crypto Erase

  • ause – Allow Unrestricted Sanitize Exit; 0x0: Restricted Mode, 0x1: Unrestricted Mode

  • ovrpat – Overwrite Pattern; 32-bit pattern used by the Overwrite action

  • owpass – Overwrite pass Count, how many times the media is to be overwritten; 0x0: 15 overwrite passes

  • oipbp – Overwrite invert pattern between passes; 0x0: Disabled, 0x1: Enabled

  • nodas – No Deallocate After Sanitize; 0x0: Attempt to deallocate; 0x1 Do not attempt to deallocate


On success, 0 is returned. On error, negative errno is returned.


void xnvme_prep_adm_gfeat(struct xnvme_cmd_ctx *ctx, uint32_t nsid, uint8_t fid, uint8_t sel)#

Prepare NVMe Get Features (gfeat) command.

  • ctx – Pointer to xnvme_cmd_ctx

  • nsid – Namespace identifier

  • fid – Feature identifier

  • sel – Select which value of the feature to select, that is, one of current/default/saved/supported


void xnvme_prep_adm_log(struct xnvme_cmd_ctx *ctx, uint8_t lid, uint8_t lsp, uint64_t lpo_nbytes, uint32_t nsid, uint8_t rae, uint32_t dbuf_nbytes)#

Prepare NVMe Get Log Page command.

  • ctx – Pointer to xnvme_cmd_ctx

  • lid – Log Page Identifier for the log to retrieve entries for

  • lsp – Log Specific Field for the log to retrieve entries for

  • lpo_nbytes – Log page Offset in BYTES

  • nsid – Namespace Identifier

  • rae – Retain Asynchronous Event, 0=Clear, 1=Retain

  • dbuf_nbytes – Number of BYTES to write from log-page to buf


void xnvme_prep_adm_sfeat(struct xnvme_cmd_ctx *ctx, uint32_t nsid, uint8_t fid, uint32_t feat, uint8_t save)#

Prepare NVMe Set Feature (sfeat) command.

  • ctx – Pointer to xnvme_cmd_ctx

  • nsid – Namespace identifier

  • fid – Feature identifier (see NVMe 1.3; Figure 84)

  • feat – Structure defining feature attributes

  • save – Specify that controller shall save the attribute