Getting Started

Previously a quick start guide was available. However, it usually left one asking questions, and thus, did not as the name suggests; get you started quickly. Thus, a fuller story on getting started using xNVMe is provided here. Needlessly, this section will have subsections that you can skip and revisit only in case you find xNVMe, or the system you are running on, to be misbehaving.

If you have read through, and still have questions, then please raise an issue, start an asynchronous discussion, or go to Discord for synchronous interaction.

The task of getting started with xNVMe will take you through Building xNVMe with a companion section on Toolchain prerequisites, followed by a section describing runtime requirements in Backends and System Config, ending with an example of Windows Kernel.

Building xNVMe

xNVMe builds and runs on Linux, FreeBSD and Windows. First, retrieve the xNVMe repository from GitHUB:

# Clone the xNVMe repos into the folder 'xnvme'
git clone xnvme


The xNVMe build-system uses meson/ninja and its subproject-feature with wraps, dependencies such as fio, libvfn, and SPDK are fetched by the build-system (meson), not as previously done via git-submodules.

Before you invoke the compilation, then ensure that you have the compiler, tools, and libraries needed. The Toolchain section describes what to install, and how, on rich a selection of Linux distributions, FreeBSD and Windows. For example on Debian do:

sudo ./xnvme/toolbox/pkgs/

With the source available, and toolchain up and running, then go ahead:

cd xnvme

# configure xNVMe and build dependencies (fio, libvfn, and SPDK/NVMe)
meson setup builddir
cd builddir

# build xNVMe
meson compile

# install xNVMe
meson install

# uninstall xNVMe
# meson --internal uninstall


Details on the build-errors can be seen by inspecting builddir/meson-logs/meson-log.txt.


In case you ran the meson-commands before installing, then you probably need to remove your builddir before re-running build commands.

In case you want to customize the build, e.g. install into a different location etc. then this is all handled by meson built-in options, in addition to those, then you can inspect meson_options.txt which contains build-options specific to xNVMe. For examples of customizing the build then have a look at the following Custom Configuration.

Otherwise, with a successfully built and installed xNVMe, then jump to Backends and System Config and Windows Kernel.


The toolchain (compiler, archiver, and linker) used for building xNVMe must support C11, pthreads and on the system the following tools must be available:

  • Python (>=3.7)

  • meson (>=0.58) and matching version of ninja

  • make (gmake)

  • gcc/mingw/clang

Along with libraries:

  • glibc (>= 2.28, for io_uring/liburing)

  • libaio-dev (>=0.3, For xNVMe and SPDK)

  • libnuma-dev (>=2, For SPDK)

  • libssl-dev (>=1.1, For SPDK)

  • liburing (>=2.2, for xNVMe)

  • uuid-dev (>=2.3, For SPDK)

xNVMe makes use of libraries and interfaces when available and will “gracefully degrade” when a given library is not available. For example, if liburing is not available on your system and you do not want to install it, then xNVMe will simply build without io_uring-support.

The preferred toolchain is gcc and the following sections describe how to install it and required libraries on a set of popular Linux Distributions, FreeBSD, MacOS, and Windows. If you wish to use a different toolchain then see the Non-GCC Toolchain, on how to instrument the build-system using a compiler other than gcc.

In the following sections, the system package-manager is used whenever possible to install the toolchain and libraries. However, on some Linux distribution there are not recent enough versions. To circumvent that, then the packages are installed via the Python package-manager. In some cases even a recent enough version of Python is not available, to bootstrap it, then Python is built and installed from source.


When installing packages via the Python package-manager (python3 -m pip install), then packages should be installed system-wide. This is ensure that the installed packages behave as though they were installed using the system package-manager.

Package-managers: apk, pkg, dnf, yum, pacman, apt, aptitude, apt-get, pkg, choco, brew.

Alpine Linux (latest)

Install the required toolchain and libraries, with sufficient system privileges (e.g. as root or with sudo), by executing the commands below. You can run this from the root of the xNVMe by invoking:

sudo ./xnvme/toolbox/pkgs/

Or, run the commands contained within the script manually:

# Install packages via the system package-manager (apk)
apk add \
 bash \
 bsd-compat-headers \
 build-base \
 clang15-extra-tools \
 coreutils \
 cunit \
 findutils \
 gawk \
 git \
 libaio-dev \
 libarchive-dev \
 liburing-dev \
 libuuid \
 linux-headers \
 make \
 meson \
 musl-dev \
 nasm \
 ncurses \
 numactl-dev \
 openssl-dev \
 patch \
 perl \
 pkgconf \
 py3-pip \
 python3 \
 python3-dev \

# Clone, build and install libvfn
# Assumptions:
# - Dependencies for building libvfn are met (system packages etc.)
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository
git checkout v3.0.1
meson setup builddir -Dlibnvme="disabled" -Ddocs="disabled" --buildtype=release --prefix=/usr
meson compile -C builddir
meson install -C builddir

# Install packages via the Python package-manager (pip)
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install \


A Docker-image is provided via, specifically This Docker-image contains all the software described above.

Then go ahead and configure, build and install using meson:

# configure xNVMe with SPDK and libvfn disabled
meson setup builddir -Dwith-spdk=false

# build xNVMe
meson compile -C builddir

# install xNVMe
meson install -C builddir

# uninstall xNVMe
# cd builddir && meson --internal uninstall


There are issues with SPDK/DPDK due to incompatibilities with the standard library provided by musl libc. Additionally, the libexecinfo-dev package is no longer available on Alpine. Additionally, libvfn also relies on libexecinfo-dev which is currently not available for Alpine Linux. Thus, it is also disabled. Pull-request fixing these issues are most welcome, until then, disable libvfn and spdk on Alpine.

Arch Linux (latest)

Install the required toolchain and libraries, with sufficient system privileges (e.g. as root or with sudo), by executing the commands below. You can run this from the root of the xNVMe by invoking:

sudo ./xnvme/toolbox/pkgs/

Or, run the commands contained within the script manually:

# Install packages via the system package-manager (pacman)
pacman -Syyu --noconfirm
pacman -S --noconfirm \
 base-devel \
 bash \
 clang \
 cunit \
 findutils \
 git \
 libaio \
 libarchive \
 liburing \
 libutil-linux \
 make \
 meson \
 nasm \
 ncurses \
 numactl \
 openssl \
 patch \
 pkg-config \
 python-pip \
 python-pipx \
 python-pyelftools \
 python-setuptools \
 python3 \

# Clone, build and install libvfn
# Assumptions:
# - Dependencies for building libvfn are met (system packages etc.)
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository
git checkout v3.0.1
meson setup builddir -Dlibnvme="disabled" -Ddocs="disabled" --buildtype=release --prefix=/usr
meson compile -C builddir
meson install -C builddir

# Clone, build and install libisal
# Assumptions:
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/libisal/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/libisal/repository
git checkout v2.30.0
./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib
make install


A Docker-image is provided via, specifically This Docker-image contains all the software described above.

Then go ahead and configure, build and install using meson:

# configure xNVMe and build meson subprojects(SPDK)
meson setup builddir --prefix=/usr

# build xNVMe
meson compile -C builddir

# install xNVMe
meson install -C builddir

# uninstall xNVMe
# cd builddir && meson --internal uninstall


The build is configured to install with --prefix=/usr this is intentional such the the pkg-config files end up in the default search path on the system. If you do not want this, then remove --prefix=/usr and adjust your $PKG_CONFIG_PATH accordingly.

Oracle Linux 9 (9)

Install the required toolchain and libraries, with sufficient system privileges (e.g. as root or with sudo), by executing the commands below. You can run this from the root of the xNVMe by invoking:

sudo ./xnvme/toolbox/pkgs/

Or, run the commands contained within the script manually:

# This repo has CUnit-devel + meson
dnf install -y 'dnf-command(config-manager)'
dnf config-manager --set-enabled ol9_codeready_builder

# Install packages via the system package-manager (dnf)
dnf install -y \
 CUnit-devel \
 autoconf \
 bash \
 clang-tools-extra \
 diffutils \
 findutils \
 gcc \
 gcc-c++ \
 git \
 libaio-devel \
 libarchive-devel \
 libtool \
 libuuid-devel \
 make \
 meson \
 nasm \
 ncurses \
 numactl-devel \
 openssl-devel \
 patch \
 pkgconfig \
 procps \
 python3-devel \
 python3-pip \
 python3-pyelftools \
 unzip \
 wget \

# Install packages via the Python package-manager (pip)
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install \

# Clone, build and install libisal
# Assumptions:
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/libisal/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/libisal/repository
git checkout v2.30.0
./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib64
make install

# Clone, build and install liburing v2.2
# Assumptions:
# - Dependencies for building liburing are met (system packages etc.)
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/liburing/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/liburing/repository
git checkout liburing-2.2
./configure --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libdevdir=/usr/lib64
make install

# Clone, build and install libvfn
# Assumptions:
# - Dependencies for building libvfn are met (system packages etc.)
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository
git checkout v3.0.1
meson setup builddir -Dlibnvme="disabled" -Ddocs="disabled" --buildtype=release --prefix=/usr
meson compile -C builddir
meson install -C builddir


A Docker-image is provided via, specifically This Docker-image contains all the software described above.

Then go ahead and configure, build and install using meson:

# configure xNVMe and build meson subprojects(SPDK)
meson setup builddir --prefix=/usr

# build xNVMe
meson compile -C builddir

# install xNVMe
meson install -C builddir

# uninstall xNVMe
# cd builddir && meson --internal uninstall

Rocky Linux 9.2 (9.2)

Install the required toolchain and libraries, with sufficient system privileges (e.g. as root or with sudo), by executing the commands below. You can run this from the root of the xNVMe by invoking:

sudo ./xnvme/toolbox/pkgs/

Or, run the commands contained within the script manually:

# This repo has CUnit-devel + meson
dnf install -y 'dnf-command(config-manager)'
dnf config-manager --set-enabled crb

# Install packages via the system package-manager (dnf)
dnf install -y \
 CUnit-devel \
 autoconf \
 bash \
 clang-tools-extra \
 diffutils \
 findutils \
 gcc \
 gcc-c++ \
 git \
 libaio-devel \
 libarchive-devel \
 libtool \
 libuuid-devel \
 make \
 meson \
 nasm \
 ncurses \
 numactl-devel \
 openssl-devel \
 patch \
 pkgconfig \
 procps \
 python3-devel \
 python3-pip \
 python3-pyelftools \
 unzip \
 wget \

# Install packages via the Python package-manager (pip)
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install \

# Clone, build and install libisal
# Assumptions:
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/libisal/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/libisal/repository
git checkout v2.30.0
./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib64
make install

# Clone, build and install liburing v2.2
# Assumptions:
# - Dependencies for building liburing are met (system packages etc.)
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/liburing/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/liburing/repository
git checkout liburing-2.2
./configure --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libdevdir=/usr/lib64
make install

# Clone, build and install libvfn
# Assumptions:
# - Dependencies for building libvfn are met (system packages etc.)
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository
git checkout v3.0.1
meson setup builddir -Dlibnvme="disabled" -Ddocs="disabled" --buildtype=release --prefix=/usr
meson compile -C builddir
meson install -C builddir


A Docker-image is provided via, specifically This Docker-image contains all the software described above.

Then go ahead and configure, build and install using meson:

# configure xNVMe and build meson subprojects(SPDK)
meson setup builddir --prefix=/usr

# build xNVMe
meson compile -C builddir

# install xNVMe
meson install -C builddir

# uninstall xNVMe
# cd builddir && meson --internal uninstall

CentOS Stream 9 (stream9)

Install the required toolchain and libraries, with sufficient system privileges (e.g. as root or with sudo), by executing the commands below. You can run this from the root of the xNVMe by invoking:

sudo ./xnvme/toolbox/pkgs/

Or, run the commands contained within the script manually:

# This repos has CUnit-devel
dnf install -y 'dnf-command(config-manager)'
dnf config-manager --set-enabled crb

# Install packages via the system package-manager (dnf)
dnf install -y \
 CUnit-devel \
 autoconf \
 bash \
 diffutils \
 findutils \
 gcc \
 gcc-c++ \
 git \
 libaio-devel \
 libarchive-devel \
 libtool \
 libuuid-devel \
 make \
 nasm \
 ncurses \
 numactl-devel \
 openssl-devel \
 patch \
 pkgconfig \
 procps \
 python3-devel \
 python3-pip \
 unzip \
 wget \

# Install packages via the Python package-manager (pip)
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip # Otherwise too old to understand new Manylinux formats
python3 -m pip install \
 meson \
 ninja \
 pipx \

# Clone, build and install libisal
# Assumptions:
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/libisal/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/libisal/repository
git checkout v2.30.0
./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib64
make install

# Clone, build and install liburing v2.2
# Assumptions:
# - Dependencies for building liburing are met (system packages etc.)
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/liburing/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/liburing/repository
git checkout liburing-2.2
./configure --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libdevdir=/usr/lib64
make install

# Clone, build and install libvfn
# Assumptions:
# - Dependencies for building libvfn are met (system packages etc.)
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository
git checkout v3.0.1
meson setup builddir -Dlibnvme="disabled" -Ddocs="disabled" --buildtype=release --prefix=/usr
meson compile -C builddir
meson install -C builddir


A Docker-image is provided via, specifically This Docker-image contains all the software described above.

Then go ahead and configure, build and install using meson:

# configure xNVMe and build meson subprojects(SPDK)
meson setup builddir --prefix=/usr

# build xNVMe
meson compile -C builddir

# install xNVMe
meson install -C builddir

# uninstall xNVMe
# cd builddir && meson --internal uninstall

Debian Testing (trixie)

Install the required toolchain and libraries, with sufficient system privileges (e.g. as root or with sudo), by executing the commands below. You can run this from the root of the xNVMe by invoking:

sudo ./xnvme/toolbox/pkgs/

Or, run the commands contained within the script manually:

# Unattended update, upgrade, and install
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
export DEBIAN_PRIORITY=critical
apt-get -qy update
apt-get -qy \
  -o "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef" \
  -o "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold" upgrade
apt-get -qy --no-install-recommends install apt-utils
apt-get -qy autoclean
apt-get -qy install \
 autoconf \
 bash \
 build-essential \
 clang-format \
 findutils \
 git \
 libaio-dev \
 libarchive-dev \
 libcunit1-dev \
 libisal-dev \
 libncurses5-dev \
 libnuma-dev \
 libssl-dev \
 libtool \
 liburing-dev \
 make \
 meson \
 nasm \
 openssl \
 patch \
 pipx \
 pkg-config \
 python3 \
 python3-pip \
 python3-pyelftools \
 python3-venv \

# Clone, build and install libvfn
# Assumptions:
# - Dependencies for building libvfn are met (system packages etc.)
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository
git checkout v3.0.1
meson setup builddir -Dlibnvme="disabled" -Ddocs="disabled" --buildtype=release --prefix=/usr
meson compile -C builddir
meson install -C builddir


A Docker-image is provided via, specifically This Docker-image contains all the software described above.

Then go ahead and configure, build and install using meson:

# configure xNVMe and build meson subprojects(SPDK)
meson setup builddir

# build xNVMe
meson compile -C builddir

# install xNVMe
meson install -C builddir

# uninstall xNVMe
# cd builddir && meson --internal uninstall

Debian Stable (bookworm)

Install the required toolchain and libraries, with sufficient system privileges (e.g. as root or with sudo), by executing the commands below. You can run this from the root of the xNVMe by invoking:

sudo ./xnvme/toolbox/pkgs/

Or, run the commands contained within the script manually:

# Unattended update, upgrade, and install
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
export DEBIAN_PRIORITY=critical
apt-get -qy update
apt-get -qy \
  -o "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef" \
  -o "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold" upgrade
apt-get -qy --no-install-recommends install apt-utils
apt-get -qy autoclean
apt-get -qy install \
 autoconf \
 bash \
 build-essential \
 clang-format \
 findutils \
 git \
 libaio-dev \
 libarchive-dev \
 libcunit1-dev \
 libisal-dev \
 libncurses5-dev \
 libnuma-dev \
 libssl-dev \
 libtool \
 liburing-dev \
 make \
 meson \
 nasm \
 openssl \
 patch \
 pipx \
 pkg-config \
 python3 \
 python3-pip \
 python3-pyelftools \
 python3-venv \

# Clone, build and install libvfn
# Assumptions:
# - Dependencies for building libvfn are met (system packages etc.)
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository
git checkout v3.0.1
meson setup builddir -Dlibnvme="disabled" -Ddocs="disabled" --buildtype=release --prefix=/usr
meson compile -C builddir
meson install -C builddir


A Docker-image is provided via, specifically This Docker-image contains all the software described above.

Then go ahead and configure, build and install using meson:

# configure xNVMe and build meson subprojects(SPDK)
meson setup builddir

# build xNVMe
meson compile -C builddir

# install xNVMe
meson install -C builddir

# uninstall xNVMe
# cd builddir && meson --internal uninstall

Debian Oldstable (bullseye)

Install the required toolchain and libraries, with sufficient system privileges (e.g. as root or with sudo), by executing the commands below. You can run this from the root of the xNVMe by invoking:

sudo ./xnvme/toolbox/pkgs/

Or, run the commands contained within the script manually:

# Unattended update, upgrade, and install
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
export DEBIAN_PRIORITY=critical
apt-get -qy update
apt-get -qy \
  -o "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef" \
  -o "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold" upgrade
apt-get -qy --no-install-recommends install apt-utils
apt-get -qy autoclean
apt-get -qy install \
 autoconf \
 bash \
 build-essential \
 clang-format \
 findutils \
 git \
 libaio-dev \
 libarchive-dev \
 libcunit1-dev \
 libisal-dev \
 libncurses5-dev \
 libnuma-dev \
 libssl-dev \
 libtool \
 make \
 nasm \
 openssl \
 patch \
 pkg-config \
 python3 \
 python3-pip \
 python3-pyelftools \
 python3-venv \

# Install packages via the Python package-manager (pip)
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install \
 meson \
 ninja \

# Clone, build and install liburing v2.2
# Assumptions:
# - Dependencies for building liburing are met (system packages etc.)
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/liburing/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/liburing/repository
git checkout liburing-2.2
make install

# Clone, build and install libvfn
# Assumptions:
# - Dependencies for building libvfn are met (system packages etc.)
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository
git checkout v3.0.1
meson setup builddir -Dlibnvme="disabled" -Ddocs="disabled" --buildtype=release --prefix=/usr
meson compile -C builddir
meson install -C builddir


A Docker-image is provided via, specifically This Docker-image contains all the software described above.

Then go ahead and configure, build and install using meson:

# configure xNVMe and build meson subprojects(SPDK)
meson setup builddir

# build xNVMe
meson compile -C builddir

# install xNVMe
meson install -C builddir

# uninstall xNVMe
# cd builddir && meson --internal uninstall

Fedora (38)

Install the required toolchain and libraries, with sufficient system privileges (e.g. as root or with sudo), by executing the commands below. You can run this from the root of the xNVMe by invoking:

sudo ./xnvme/toolbox/pkgs/

Or, run the commands contained within the script manually:

# Install packages via the system package-manager (dnf)
dnf install -y \
 CUnit-devel \
 autoconf \
 bash \
 clang-tools-extra \
 diffutils \
 findutils \
 g++ \
 gcc \
 git \
 libaio-devel \
 libarchive-devel \
 libtool \
 liburing \
 liburing-devel \
 libuuid-devel \
 make \
 meson \
 nasm \
 ncurses \
 numactl-devel \
 openssl-devel \
 patch \
 pipx \
 pkgconfig \
 procps \
 python3-devel \
 python3-pip \
 python3-pyelftools \

# Clone, build and install libvfn
# Assumptions:
# - Dependencies for building libvfn are met (system packages etc.)
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository
git checkout v3.0.1
meson setup builddir -Dlibnvme="disabled" -Ddocs="disabled" --buildtype=release --prefix=/usr
meson compile -C builddir
meson install -C builddir

# Clone, build and install libisal
# Assumptions:
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/libisal/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/libisal/repository
git checkout v2.30.0
./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib
make install


A Docker-image is provided via, specifically This Docker-image contains all the software described above.

Then go ahead and configure, build and install using meson:

# configure xNVMe and build meson subprojects(SPDK)
meson setup builddir --prefix=/usr

# build xNVMe
meson compile -C builddir

# install xNVMe
meson install -C builddir

# uninstall xNVMe
# cd builddir && meson --internal uninstall

Fedora (37)

Install the required toolchain and libraries, with sufficient system privileges (e.g. as root or with sudo), by executing the commands below. You can run this from the root of the xNVMe by invoking:

sudo ./xnvme/toolbox/pkgs/

Or, run the commands contained within the script manually:

# Install packages via the system package-manager (dnf)
dnf install -y \
 CUnit-devel \
 autoconf \
 bash \
 clang-tools-extra \
 diffutils \
 findutils \
 g++ \
 gcc \
 git \
 libaio-devel \
 libarchive-devel \
 libtool \
 liburing \
 liburing-devel \
 libuuid-devel \
 make \
 meson \
 nasm \
 ncurses \
 numactl-devel \
 openssl-devel \
 patch \
 pipx \
 pkgconfig \
 procps \
 python3-devel \
 python3-pip \
 python3-pyelftools \

# Clone, build and install libvfn
# Assumptions:
# - Dependencies for building libvfn are met (system packages etc.)
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository
git checkout v3.0.1
meson setup builddir -Dlibnvme="disabled" -Ddocs="disabled" --buildtype=release --prefix=/usr
meson compile -C builddir
meson install -C builddir

# Clone, build and install libisal
# Assumptions:
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/libisal/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/libisal/repository
git checkout v2.30.0
./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib
make install


A Docker-image is provided via, specifically This Docker-image contains all the software described above.

Then go ahead and configure, build and install using meson:

# configure xNVMe and build meson subprojects(SPDK)
meson setup builddir --prefix=/usr

# build xNVMe
meson compile -C builddir

# install xNVMe
meson install -C builddir

# uninstall xNVMe
# cd builddir && meson --internal uninstall

Fedora (36)

Install the required toolchain and libraries, with sufficient system privileges (e.g. as root or with sudo), by executing the commands below. You can run this from the root of the xNVMe by invoking:

sudo ./xnvme/toolbox/pkgs/

Or, run the commands contained within the script manually:

# Install packages via the system package-manager (dnf)
dnf install -y \
 CUnit-devel \
 autoconf \
 bash \
 clang-tools-extra \
 diffutils \
 findutils \
 g++ \
 gcc \
 git \
 libaio-devel \
 libarchive-devel \
 libtool \
 libuuid-devel \
 make \
 meson \
 nasm \
 ncurses \
 numactl-devel \
 openssl-devel \
 patch \
 pipx \
 pkgconfig \
 procps \
 python3-devel \
 python3-pip \
 python3-pyelftools \

# Clone, build and install libvfn
# Assumptions:
# - Dependencies for building libvfn are met (system packages etc.)
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository
git checkout v3.0.1
meson setup builddir -Dlibnvme="disabled" -Ddocs="disabled" --buildtype=release --prefix=/usr
meson compile -C builddir
meson install -C builddir

# Clone, build and install libisal
# Assumptions:
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/libisal/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/libisal/repository
git checkout v2.30.0
./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib64
make install

# Clone, build and install liburing v2.2
# Assumptions:
# - Dependencies for building liburing are met (system packages etc.)
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/liburing/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/liburing/repository
git checkout liburing-2.2
./configure --libdir=/usr/lib64 --libdevdir=/usr/lib64
make install


A Docker-image is provided via, specifically This Docker-image contains all the software described above.

Then go ahead and configure, build and install using meson:

# configure xNVMe and build meson subprojects(SPDK)
meson setup builddir --prefix=/usr

# build xNVMe
meson compile -C builddir

# install xNVMe
meson install -C builddir

# uninstall xNVMe
# cd builddir && meson --internal uninstall

Ubuntu Latest (lunar)

Install the required toolchain and libraries, with sufficient system privileges (e.g. as root or with sudo), by executing the commands below. You can run this from the root of the xNVMe by invoking:

sudo ./xnvme/toolbox/pkgs/

Or, run the commands contained within the script manually:

# Unattended update, upgrade, and install
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
export DEBIAN_PRIORITY=critical
apt-get -qy update
apt-get -qy \
  -o "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef" \
  -o "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold" upgrade
apt-get -qy --no-install-recommends install apt-utils
apt-get -qy autoclean
apt-get -qy install \
 autoconf \
 bash \
 build-essential \
 clang-format \
 findutils \
 git \
 libaio-dev \
 libarchive-dev \
 libcunit1-dev \
 libisal-dev \
 libncurses5-dev \
 libnuma-dev \
 libssl-dev \
 libtool \
 liburing-dev \
 make \
 meson \
 nasm \
 openssl \
 patch \
 pipx \
 pkg-config \
 python3 \
 python3-pip \
 python3-pyelftools \
 python3-venv \

# Clone, build and install libvfn
# Assumptions:
# - Dependencies for building libvfn are met (system packages etc.)
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository
git checkout v3.0.1
meson setup builddir -Dlibnvme="disabled" -Ddocs="disabled" --buildtype=release --prefix=/usr
meson compile -C builddir
meson install -C builddir


A Docker-image is provided via, specifically This Docker-image contains all the software described above.

Then go ahead and configure, build and install using meson:

# configure xNVMe and build meson subprojects(SPDK)
meson setup builddir

# build xNVMe
meson compile -C builddir

# install xNVMe
meson install -C builddir

# uninstall xNVMe
# cd builddir && meson --internal uninstall


All tools and libraries are available via system package-manager.

Ubuntu LTS (jammy)

Install the required toolchain and libraries, with sufficient system privileges (e.g. as root or with sudo), by executing the commands below. You can run this from the root of the xNVMe by invoking:

sudo ./xnvme/toolbox/pkgs/

Or, run the commands contained within the script manually:

# Unattended update, upgrade, and install
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
export DEBIAN_PRIORITY=critical
apt-get -qy update
apt-get -qy \
  -o "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef" \
  -o "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold" upgrade
apt-get -qy --no-install-recommends install apt-utils
apt-get -qy autoclean
apt-get -qy install \
 autoconf \
 bash \
 build-essential \
 clang-format \
 findutils \
 git \
 libaio-dev \
 libarchive-dev \
 libcunit1-dev \
 libisal-dev \
 libncurses5-dev \
 libnuma-dev \
 libssl-dev \
 libtool \
 make \
 nasm \
 openssl \
 patch \
 pipx \
 pkg-config \
 python3 \
 python3-pip \
 python3-pyelftools \
 python3-venv \

# Install packages via the Python package-manager (pip)
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install \
 meson \

# Clone, build and install liburing v2.2
# Assumptions:
# - Dependencies for building liburing are met (system packages etc.)
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/liburing/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/liburing/repository
git checkout liburing-2.2
make install

# Clone, build and install libvfn
# Assumptions:
# - Dependencies for building libvfn are met (system packages etc.)
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository
git checkout v3.0.1
meson setup builddir -Dlibnvme="disabled" -Ddocs="disabled" --buildtype=release --prefix=/usr
meson compile -C builddir
meson install -C builddir


A Docker-image is provided via, specifically This Docker-image contains all the software described above.

Then go ahead and configure, build and install using meson:

# configure xNVMe and build meson subprojects(SPDK)
meson setup builddir

# build xNVMe
meson compile -C builddir

# install xNVMe
meson install -C builddir

# uninstall xNVMe
# cd builddir && meson --internal uninstall


Installing liburing from source and meson + ninja via pip

Ubuntu LTS (focal)

Install the required toolchain and libraries, with sufficient system privileges (e.g. as root or with sudo), by executing the commands below. You can run this from the root of the xNVMe by invoking:

sudo ./xnvme/toolbox/pkgs/

Or, run the commands contained within the script manually:

# Unattended update, upgrade, and install
export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
export DEBIAN_PRIORITY=critical
apt-get -qy update
apt-get -qy \
  -o "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef" \
  -o "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold" upgrade
apt-get -qy --no-install-recommends install apt-utils
apt-get -qy autoclean
apt-get -qy install \
 autoconf \
 bash \
 build-essential \
 clang-format \
 findutils \
 git \
 libaio-dev \
 libarchive-dev \
 libcunit1-dev \
 libisal-dev \
 libncurses5-dev \
 libnuma-dev \
 libssl-dev \
 libtool \
 make \
 nasm \
 openssl \
 patch \
 pipx \
 pkg-config \
 python3 \
 python3-pip \
 python3-pyelftools \
 python3-venv \

# Install packages via the Python package-manager (pip)
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install \
 meson \

# Clone, build and install liburing v2.2
# Assumptions:
# - Dependencies for building liburing are met (system packages etc.)
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/liburing/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/liburing/repository
git checkout liburing-2.2
make install

# Clone, build and install libvfn
# Assumptions:
# - Dependencies for building libvfn are met (system packages etc.)
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository
git checkout v3.0.1
meson setup builddir -Dlibnvme="disabled" -Ddocs="disabled" --buildtype=release --prefix=/usr
meson compile -C builddir
meson install -C builddir


A Docker-image is provided via, specifically This Docker-image contains all the software described above.

Then go ahead and configure, build and install using meson:

# configure xNVMe and build meson subprojects(SPDK)
meson setup builddir

# build xNVMe
meson compile -C builddir

# install xNVMe
meson install -C builddir

# uninstall xNVMe
# cd builddir && meson --internal uninstall


Installing liburing from source and meson + ninja via pip

Gentoo (latest)

Install the required toolchain and libraries, with sufficient system privileges (e.g. as root or with sudo), by executing the commands below. You can run this from the root of the xNVMe by invoking:

sudo ./xnvme/toolbox/pkgs/

Or, run the commands contained within the script manually:

echo ""
echo "build requires linking against ncurses AND tinfo, run the following before compilation:"
echo "export LDFLAGS=\"-ltinfo -lncurses\""

emerge \
 app-arch/libarchive \
 bash \
 dev-lang/nasm \
 dev-libs/isa-l \
 dev-libs/libaio \
 dev-libs/openssl \
 dev-python/pip \
 dev-python/pyelftools \
 dev-util/cunit \
 dev-util/meson \
 dev-util/pkgconf \
 dev-vcs/git \
 findutils \
 make \
 patch \
 sys-libs/liburing \
 sys-libs/ncurses \

# Clone, build and install libvfn
# Assumptions:
# - Dependencies for building libvfn are met (system packages etc.)
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository
git checkout v3.0.1
meson setup builddir -Dlibnvme="disabled" -Ddocs="disabled" --buildtype=release --prefix=/usr
meson compile -C builddir
meson install -C builddir

# Install packages via the Python package-manager (pip)
python3 -m pip install --break-system-packages --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install --break-system-packages \


A Docker-image is provided via, specifically This Docker-image contains all the software described above.

Then go ahead and configure, build and install using meson:

export LDFLAGS="-ltinfo -lncurses"

# configure xNVMe and build meson subprojects(SPDK)
meson setup builddir --prefix=/usr

# build xNVMe
meson compile -C builddir

# install xNVMe
meson install -C builddir

# uninstall xNVMe
# cd builddir && meson --internal uninstall


In case you get error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line, during compilation, then add -ltinfo -lnurces to LDFLAGS as it is done in the commands above. The build is configured to install with --prefix=/usr this is intentional such the the pkg-config files end up in the default search path on the system. If you do not want this, then remove --prefix=/usr and adjust your $PKG_CONFIG_PATH accordingly.

openSUSE (tumbleweed-latest)

Install the required toolchain and libraries, with sufficient system privileges (e.g. as root or with sudo), by executing the commands below. You can run this from the root of the xNVMe by invoking:

sudo ./xnvme/toolbox/pkgs/

Or, run the commands contained within the script manually:

zypper --non-interactive refresh

# Install packages via the system package-manager (zypper)
zypper --non-interactive install -y --allow-downgrade \
 autoconf \
 awk \
 bash \
 clang-tools \
 cunit-devel \
 findutils \
 gcc \
 gcc-c++ \
 git \
 gzip \
 libaio-devel \
 libarchive-devel \
 libnuma-devel \
 libopenssl-devel \
 libtool \
 liburing-devel \
 libuuid-devel \
 make \
 meson \
 nasm \
 ncurses \
 patch \
 pkg-config \
 python3 \
 python3-devel \
 python3-pip \
 python3-pipx \
 python3-pyelftools \

# Clone, build and install libvfn
# Assumptions:
# - Dependencies for building libvfn are met (system packages etc.)
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/libvfn/repository
git checkout v3.0.1
meson setup builddir -Dlibnvme="disabled" -Ddocs="disabled" --buildtype=release --prefix=/usr
meson compile -C builddir
meson install -C builddir

# Clone, build and install libisal
# Assumptions:
# - Commands are executed with sufficient privileges (sudo/root)
git clone toolbox/third-party/libisal/repository

pushd toolbox/third-party/libisal/repository
git checkout v2.30.0
./configure --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib
make install


A Docker-image is provided via, specifically This Docker-image contains all the software described above.

Then go ahead and configure, build and install using meson:

# configure xNVMe and build meson subprojects(SPDK)
meson setup builddir

# build xNVMe
meson compile -C builddir

# install xNVMe
meson install -C builddir

# uninstall xNVMe
# cd builddir && meson --internal uninstall


All tools and libraries are available via system package-manager.

FreeBSD (13)

Install the required toolchain and libraries, with sufficient system privileges (e.g. as root or with sudo), by executing the commands below. You can run this from the root of the xNVMe by invoking:

sudo ./xnvme/toolbox/pkgs/

Or, run the commands contained within the script manually:

# Install packages via the system package-manager (pkg)
pkg install -qy \
 autoconf \
 automake \
 bash \
 cunit \
 devel/py-pyelftools \
 e2fsprogs-libuuid \
 findutils \
 git \
 gmake \
 isa-l \
 libtool \
 meson \
 nasm \
 ncurses \
 openssl \
 patch \
 pkgconf \
 py39-pipx \
 python3 \

# Upgrade pip
python3 -m ensurepip --upgrade

# Installing meson via pip as the one available 'pkg install' currently that is 0.62.2, breaks with
# a "File name too long", 0.60 seems ok.
python3 -m pip install meson==0.60


A Docker-image is provided via, specifically This Docker-image contains all the software described above.

Then go ahead and configure, build and install using meson:

# configure xNVMe and build meson subprojects(SPDK)
meson setup builddir

# build xNVMe
meson compile -C builddir

# install xNVMe
meson install -C builddir

# uninstall xNVMe
# cd builddir && meson --internal uninstall


Interfaces; libaio, liburing, and libvfn are not supported on FreeBSD.

macOS (13)

Install the required toolchain and libraries, with sufficient system privileges (e.g. as root or with sudo), by executing the commands below. You can run this from the root of the xNVMe by invoking:

sudo ./xnvme/toolbox/pkgs/

Or, run the commands contained within the script manually:

# This is done to avoid appleframework deprecation warnings

# Install packages via brew, assuming that brew is: installed, updated, and upgraded
clang-format --version && echo "Installed" || brew install clang-format --overwrite || echo "Failed installing"
git --version && echo "Installed" || brew install git --overwrite || echo "Failed installing"
isa-l --version && echo "Installed" || brew install isa-l --overwrite || echo "Failed installing"
if make --version | grep i386-apple; then
  brew install make

meson --version && echo "Installed" || brew install meson --overwrite || echo "Failed installing"
pkg-config --version && echo "Installed" || brew install pkg-config --overwrite || echo "Failed installing"
python3 --version && echo "Installed" || brew install python3 --overwrite || echo "Failed installing"

# Install packages via the Python package-manager (pip)
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install \


A Docker-image is provided via, specifically This Docker-image contains all the software described above.

Then go ahead and configure, build and install using meson:

# configure xNVMe and build meson subprojects(SPDK)
meson setup builddir

# build xNVMe
meson compile -C builddir

# install xNVMe
meson install -C builddir

# uninstall xNVMe
# cd builddir && meson --internal uninstall


Interfaces; libaio, liburing, libvfn, and SPDK are not supported on macOS.

macOS (12)

Install the required toolchain and libraries, with sufficient system privileges (e.g. as root or with sudo), by executing the commands below. You can run this from the root of the xNVMe by invoking:

sudo ./xnvme/toolbox/pkgs/

Or, run the commands contained within the script manually:

# This is done to avoid appleframework deprecation warnings

# Install packages via brew, assuming that brew is: installed, updated, and upgraded
clang-format --version && echo "Installed" || brew install clang-format --overwrite || echo "Failed installing"
git --version && echo "Installed" || brew install git --overwrite || echo "Failed installing"
isa-l --version && echo "Installed" || brew install isa-l --overwrite || echo "Failed installing"
if make --version | grep i386-apple; then
  brew install make

meson --version && echo "Installed" || brew install meson --overwrite || echo "Failed installing"
pkg-config --version && echo "Installed" || brew install pkg-config --overwrite || echo "Failed installing"
python3 --version && echo "Installed" || brew install python3 --overwrite || echo "Failed installing"

# Install packages via the Python package-manager (pip)
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install \


A Docker-image is provided via, specifically This Docker-image contains all the software described above.

Then go ahead and configure, build and install using meson:

# This is done to avoid appleframework deprecation warnings

# configure xNVMe
meson setup builddir

# build xNVMe
meson compile -C builddir

# install xNVMe
sudo meson install -C builddir

# uninstall xNVMe
# cd builddir && meson --internal uninstall


Interfaces; libaio, liburing, libvfn, and SPDK are not supported on macOS.

macOS (11)

Install the required toolchain and libraries, with sufficient system privileges (e.g. as root or with sudo), by executing the commands below. You can run this from the root of the xNVMe by invoking:

sudo ./xnvme/toolbox/pkgs/

Or, run the commands contained within the script manually:

# This is done to avoid appleframework deprecation warnings

# Install packages via brew, assuming that brew is: installed, updated, and upgraded
clang-format --version && echo "Installed" || brew install clang-format --overwrite || echo "Failed installing"
git --version && echo "Installed" || brew install git --overwrite || echo "Failed installing"
isa-l --version && echo "Installed" || brew install isa-l --overwrite || echo "Failed installing"
if make --version | grep i386-apple; then
  brew install make

meson --version && echo "Installed" || brew install meson --overwrite || echo "Failed installing"
pkg-config --version && echo "Installed" || brew install pkg-config --overwrite || echo "Failed installing"
python3 --version && echo "Installed" || brew install python3 --overwrite || echo "Failed installing"

# Install packages via the Python package-manager (pip)
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install \


A Docker-image is provided via, specifically This Docker-image contains all the software described above.

Then go ahead and configure, build and install using meson:

# This is done to avoid appleframework deprecation warnings

# configure xNVMe
meson setup builddir

# build xNVMe
meson compile -C builddir

# install xNVMe
sudo meson install -C builddir

# uninstall xNVMe
# cd builddir && meson --internal uninstall


Interfaces; libaio, liburing, libvfn, and SPDK are not supported on macOS.

Windows (2022)

Install the required toolchain and libraries, with sufficient system privileges (e.g. as eleveted command prompt), by executing the commands below. You can run this on administrator command prompt of the xNVMe by invoking:

call xnvme\toolbox\pkgs\windows-2022.bat

Or, run the commands contained within the script manually:

@echo off
@setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion

net session >nul: 2>&1
if errorlevel 1 (
	echo %0 must be run with Administrator privileges
	goto :eof

:: Use PowerShell to install Chocolatey
set "PATH=%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin;%PATH%"
echo [1/6] Install: Chocolatey Manager
powershell -NoProfile -InputFormat None -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))"
where /q choco
if errorlevel 1 (
	echo [1/6] Install: Chocolatey = FAIL
	goto :eof
echo [1/6] Install: Chocolatey = PASS

:: Use Chocolatey to install msys2
echo [2/6] Install: MSYS2
set "PATH=%SystemDrive%\msys64;%PATH%"
choco install msys2 -y -r --params "/NoUpdate /InstallDir:C:\msys64"
where /q msys2
if errorlevel 1 (
	echo [2/6] Install: MSYS2 = FAIL
	goto :eof
echo [2/6] Install: MSYS2 = PASS

echo [3/6] Install: Git
choco install git -y -r
echo [3/6] Install: Git = PASS

echo [4/6] Install: dos2unix
choco install dos2unix
echo [4/6] Install: dos2unix = PASS

:: Use MSYS2/pacman to install gcc and clang toolchain
set MSYS2=call msys2_shell -no-start -here -use-full-path -defterm

echo [5/6] Install: MinGW Toolchain via msys2/pacman
set "PATH=%SystemDrive%\msys64\mingw64\bin;%PATH%"
%MSYS2% -c "pacman --noconfirm -Syy --needed base-devel mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain"
where /q gcc
if errorlevel 1 (
	echo [5/6] Install: MinGW Toolchain via msys2/pacman = FAIL
	goto :eof
echo [5/6] Install: MinGW Toolchain via msys2/pacman = PASS

echo [6/6] Install: MinGW/meson via msys2/pacman
%MSYS2% -c "pacman --noconfirm -Syy mingw-w64-x86_64-meson"
echo [6/6] Install: MinGW/meson via msys2/pacman = OK

Then go ahead and configure, build and install using helper batch script build.bat:

  # build: auto-configure xNVMe, build third-party libraries, and xNVMe itself

  # config: only configure xNVMe
  build.bat config

  # config: debug only configure xNVMe
  build.bat config-debug

  # install xNVMe
  build.bat install

  # uninstall xNVMe
  # build.bat uninstall


In case you see .dll loader-errors, then check that the environment variable PATH contains the various library locations of the toolchain. Interfaces; libaio, liburing, libvfn, and SPDK are not supported on Windows.

Backends and System Config

xNVMe relies on certain Operating System Kernel features and infrastructure that must be available and correctly configured. This subsection goes through what is used on Linux and how check whether is it available.


The purpose of xNVMe backends are to provide an instrumental runtime supporting the xNVMe API in a single library with batteries included.

That is, it comes with the essential third-party libraries bundled into the xNVMe library. Thus, you get a single C API to program against and a single library to link with. And similarly for the command-line tools; a single binary to communicating with devices via the I/O stacks that available on the system.

To inspect the libraries which xNVMe is build against and the supported/enabled backends then invoke:

xnvme library-info

It should produce output similar to:

# xNVMe Library Information
ver: {major: 0, minor: 7, patch: 4}
  - '3p: spdk;git-describe:v22.09;+patches'
  - '3p: linux;LINUX_VERSION_CODE-UAPI/393728-6.2.0'
  - '3p: NVME_IOCTL_IO64_CMD'
  count: 7
  capacity: 7
  - name: 'spdk'
    enabled: 1

  - name: 'linux'
    enabled: 1

  - name: 'fbsd'
    enabled: 0

  - name: 'macos'
    enabled: 0

  - name: 'windows'
    enabled: 0

  - name: 'ramdisk'
    enabled: 1

  - name: 'vfio'
    enabled: 1

The xnvme_3p part of the output informs about the third-party projects which xNVMe was built against, and in the case of libraries, the version it has bundled.

Although a single API and a single library is provided by xNVMe, then runtime and system configuration dependencies remain. The following subsections describe how to instrument xNVMe to utilize the different kernel interfaces and user space drivers.


Linux Kernel version 5.9 or newer is currently preferred as it has all the features which xNVMe utilizes. This section also gives you a brief overview of the different I/O paths and APIs which the xNVMe API unifies access to.

NVMe Driver and IOCTLs

The default for xNVMe is to communicate with devices via the operating system NVMe driver IOCTLs, specifically on Linux the following are used:






In case the *64_CMD IOCTLs are not available then xNVMe falls back to using the non-64bit equivalents. The 64 vs 32 completion result mostly affect commands such as Zone Append. You can check that this interface is behaving as expected by running:

xnvme info /dev/nvme0n1

Which you yield output equivalent to:

    uri: '/dev/nvme0n1'
    dtype: 0x2
    nsid: 0x1
    csi: 0x0
    subnqn: ''
    admin: {id: 'nvme'}
    sync: {id: 'nvme'}

This tells you that xNVMe can communicate with the given device identifier and it informs you that it utilizes nvme_ioctl for synchronous command execution and it uses thr for asynchronous command execution. Since IOCTLs are inherently synchronous then xNVMe mimics asynchronous behavior over IOCTLs to support the asynchronous primitives provided by the xNVMe API.

Block Layer

In case your device is not an NVMe device, then the NVMe IOCTLs won’t be available. xNVMe will then try to utilize the Linux Block Layer and treat a given block device as a NVMe device via shim-layer for NVMe admin commands such as identify and get-features.

A brief example of checking this:

# Create a NULL Block instance
modprobe null_blk nr_devices=1
# Open and query the NULL Block instance with xNVMe
xnvme info /dev/nullb0
# Remove the NULL Block instance
modprobe -r null_blk


    uri: '/dev/nullb0'
    dtype: 0x3
    nsid: 0x1
    csi: 0x1f
    subnqn: ''
    admin: {id: 'block'}
    sync: {id: 'block'}
    async: {id: 'emu'}
    attr: {name: 'linux'}
    be: 'linux'
    mem: 'posix'
    admin: 'block'
    sync: 'block'
    async: 'emu'
    npugrp: 1
    npunit: 1
    nzone: 1
    nsect: 524288000
    nbytes: 512
    nbytes_oob: 0
    tbytes: 268435456000
    mdts_nbytes: 262144
    lba_nbytes: 512
    lba_extended: 0
    ssw: 9
    pi_type: 0
    pi_loc: 0
    pi_format: 0

Block Zoned IOCTLs

Building on the Linux Block model, then the Zoned Block Device model is also utilized, specifically the following IOCTLs:








When available, then xNVMe can make use of the above IOCTLs. This is mostly useful when developing/testing using Linux Null Block devices. And similar for a Zoned NULL Block instance:

# Create a Zoned NULL Block instance
modprobe null_blk nr_devices=1 zoned=1
# Open and query the Zoned NULL Block instance with xNVMe
xnvme info /dev/nullb0
# Remove the Zoned NULL Block instance
modprobe -r null_blk


    uri: '/dev/nullb0'
    dtype: 0x3
    nsid: 0x1
    csi: 0x2
    subnqn: ''
    admin: {id: 'block'}
    sync: {id: 'block'}
    async: {id: 'emu'}
    attr: {name: 'linux'}
    be: 'linux'
    mem: 'posix'
    admin: 'block'
    sync: 'block'
    async: 'emu'
    npugrp: 1
    npunit: 1
    nzone: 1000
    nsect: 524288
    nbytes: 512
    nbytes_oob: 0
    tbytes: 268435456000
    mdts_nbytes: 262144
    lba_nbytes: 512
    lba_extended: 0
    ssw: 9
    pi_type: 0
    pi_loc: 0
    pi_format: 0

Async I/O via libaio

When AIO is available then the NVMe NVM Commands for read and write are sent over the Linux AIO interface. Doing so improves command-throughput at higher queue-depths when compared to sending the command over via the NVMe driver ioctl().

One can explicitly tell xNVMe to utilize libaio for async I/O by encoding it in the device identifier, like so:

xnvme_io_async read /dev/nvme0n1 --slba 0x0 --qdepth 1 --async libaio

Yielding the output:

# Allocating and filling buf of nbytes: 4096
# Initializing queue and setting default callback function and arguments
# Read uri: '/dev/nvme0n1', qd: 1
  slba: 0x0000000000000000
  elba: 0x0000000000000000
  naddrs: 1
  nbytes: 4096
  attr: { is_zones: 0, is_valid: 1}
wall-clock: {elapsed: 0.0004, mib: 0.00, mib_sec: 10.75}
# cb_args: {submitted: 1, completed: 1, ecount: 0}

Async. I/O via io_uring

xNVMe utilizes the Linux io_uring interface, its support for feature-probing the io_uring interface and the io_uring opcodes:



When available, then xNVMe can send the NVMe NVM Commands for read and write via the Linux io_uring interface. Doing so improves command-throughput at all io-depths when compared to sending the command via NVMe Driver IOCTLs and libaio. It also leverages the io_uring interface to enabling I/O polling and kernel-side submission polling.

One can explicitly tell xNVMe to utilize io_uring for async I/O by encoding it in the device identifier, like so:

xnvme_io_async read /dev/nvme0n1 --slba 0x0 --qdepth 1 --async io_uring

Yielding the output:

# Allocating and filling buf of nbytes: 4096
# Initializing queue and setting default callback function and arguments
# Read uri: '/dev/nvme0n1', qd: 1
  slba: 0x0000000000000000
  elba: 0x0000000000000000
  naddrs: 1
  nbytes: 4096
  attr: { is_zones: 0, is_valid: 1}
wall-clock: {elapsed: 0.0003, mib: 0.00, mib_sec: 11.18}
# cb_args: {submitted: 1, completed: 1, ecount: 0}

User Space

Linux provides the Userspace I/O (uio) and Virtual Function I/O vfio frameworks to write user space I/O drivers. Both interfaces work by binding a given device to an in-kernel stub-driver. The stub-driver in turn exposes device-memory and device-interrupts to user space. Thus enabling the implementation of device drivers entirely in user space.

Although Linux provides a capable NVMe Driver with flexible IOCTLs, then a user space NVMe driver serves those who seek the lowest possible per-command processing overhead or wants full control over NVMe command construction, including command-payloads.

Fortunately, you do not need to go and write an user space NVMe driver since a highly efficient, mature and well-maintained driver already exists. Namely, the NVMe driver provided by the Storage Platform Development Kit (SPDK).

Another great fortune is that xNVMe bundles the SPDK NVMe Driver with the xNVMe library. So, if you have built and installed xNVMe then the SPDK NVMe Driver is readily available to xNVMe.

The following subsections goes through a configuration checklist, then shows how to bind and unbind drivers, and lastly how to utilize non-devfs device identifiers by enumerating the system and inspecting a device.


What remains is checking your system configuration, enabling IOMMU for use by the vfio-pci driver, and possibly falling back to the uio_pci_generic driver in case vfio-pci is not working out. vfio is preferred as hardware support for IOMMU allows for isolation between devices.

  1. Verify that your CPU supports virtualization / VT-d and that it is enabled in your board BIOS.

  2. Enable your kernel for an intel CPU then provide the kernel option intel_iommu=on. If you have a non-Intel CPU then consult documentation on enabling VT-d / IOMMU for your CPU.

  3. Increase limits, open /etc/security/limits.conf and add:

*    soft memlock unlimited
*    hard memlock unlimited
root soft memlock unlimited
root hard memlock unlimited

Once you have gone through these steps, and rebooted, then this command:

dmesg | grep "DMAR: IOMMU"

Should output:

[    0.112423] DMAR: IOMMU enabled

And this command:

find /sys/kernel/iommu_groups/ -type l

Should have output similar to:


Unbinding and binding

With the system configured then you can use the xnvme-driver script to bind and unbind devices. The xnvme-driver script is a merge of the SPDK script and its dependencies.

By running the command below 8GB of hugepages will be configured, the Kernel NVMe driver unbound, and vfio-pci bound to the device:

HUGEMEM=4096 xnvme-driver

The command above should produce output similar to:

0000:03:00.0 (1b36 0010): nvme -> vfio-pci
0000:04:00.0 (1b36 0010): nvme -> vfio-pci
0000:05:00.0 (1b36 0010): nvme -> vfio-pci
0000:06:00.0 (1b36 0010): nvme -> vfio-pci
0000:07:00.0 (1b36 0010): nvme -> vfio-pci
0000:00:02.0 (1af4 1001): Active mountpoints on /dev/vda, so not binding

Current user memlock limit: 743 MB

This is the maximum amount of memory you will be
able to use with DPDK and VFIO if run as current user.
To change this, please adjust limits.conf memlock limit for current user.

To unbind from vfio-pci and back to the Kernel NVMe driver, then run:

xnvme-driver reset

Should output similar to:

0000:03:00.0 (1b36 0010): vfio-pci -> nvme
0000:04:00.0 (1b36 0010): vfio-pci -> nvme
0000:05:00.0 (1b36 0010): vfio-pci -> nvme
0000:06:00.0 (1b36 0010): vfio-pci -> nvme
0000:07:00.0 (1b36 0010): vfio-pci -> nvme
0000:00:02.0 (1af4 1001): Already using the virtio-pci driver

Device Identifiers

Since the Kernel NVMe driver is unbound from the device, then the kernel no longer know that the PCIe device is an NVMe device, thus, it no longer lives in Linux devfs, that is, no longer available in /dev as e.g. /dev/nvme0n1.

Instead of the filepath in devfs, then you use PCI ids and xNVMe options.

As always, use the xnvme cli tool to enumerate devices:

xnvme enum
  - {uri: '0000:04:00.0', dtype: 0x2, nsid: 0x1, csi: 0x0, subnqn: ''}
  - {uri: '0000:05:00.0', dtype: 0x2, nsid: 0x1, csi: 0x0, subnqn: ''}
  - {uri: '0000:06:00.0', dtype: 0x2, nsid: 0x1, csi: 0x0, subnqn: ''}
  - {uri: '0000:03:00.0', dtype: 0x2, nsid: 0x1, csi: 0x0, subnqn: ''}
  - {uri: '0000:03:00.0', dtype: 0x2, nsid: 0x2, csi: 0x2, subnqn: ''}
  - {uri: '0000:03:00.0', dtype: 0x2, nsid: 0x3, csi: 0x1, subnqn: ''}
  - {uri: '0000:07:00.0', dtype: 0x2, nsid: 0x1, csi: 0x0, subnqn: ''}
  - {uri: '0000:07:00.0', dtype: 0x2, nsid: 0x2, csi: 0x0, subnqn: ''}
  - {uri: '0000:07:00.0', dtype: 0x2, nsid: 0x3, csi: 0x0, subnqn: ''}
  - {uri: '0000:07:00.0', dtype: 0x2, nsid: 0x4, csi: 0x0, subnqn: ''}
  - {uri: '0000:07:00.0', dtype: 0x2, nsid: 0x5, csi: 0x0, subnqn: ''}

Notice that multiple URIs using the same PCI id but with different xNVMe ?opts=<val>. This is provided as a means to tell xNVMe that you want to use the NVMe controller at 0000:03:00.0 and the namespace identified by nsid=1.

xnvme info 0000:03:00.0 --dev-nsid=1
0000:03:00.0 (1b36 0010): Already using the vfio-pci driver
0000:04:00.0 (1b36 0010): Already using the vfio-pci driver
0000:05:00.0 (1b36 0010): Already using the vfio-pci driver
0000:06:00.0 (1b36 0010): Already using the vfio-pci driver
0000:07:00.0 (1b36 0010): Already using the vfio-pci driver
0000:00:02.0 (1af4 1001): Active mountpoints on /dev/vda, so not binding

Current user memlock limit: 743 MB

This is the maximum amount of memory you will be
able to use with DPDK and VFIO if run as current user.
To change this, please adjust limits.conf memlock limit for current user.

    uri: '0000:03:00.0'
    dtype: 0x2
    nsid: 0x1
    csi: 0x0
    subnqn: ''
    admin: {id: 'nvme'}
    sync: {id: 'nvme'}
    async: {id: 'nvme'}
    attr: {name: 'spdk'}
    be: 'spdk'
    mem: 'spdk'
    admin: 'nvme'
    sync: 'nvme'
    async: 'nvme'
    npugrp: 1
    npunit: 1
    nzone: 1
    nsect: 2097152
    nbytes: 4096
    nbytes_oob: 0
    tbytes: 8589934592
    mdts_nbytes: 524288
    lba_nbytes: 4096
    lba_extended: 0
    ssw: 12
    pi_type: 0
    pi_loc: 0
    pi_format: 0

Similarly, when using the API, then you would use these URIs instead of filepaths:

struct xnvme_dev *dev = xnvme_dev_open("pci:0000:01:00.0?nsid=1");

Windows Kernel

Windows 10 or later version is currently preferred as it has all the features which xNVMe utilizes. This section also gives you a brief overview of the different I/O paths and APIs which the xNVMe API unifies access to.

NVMe Driver and IOCTLs

The default for xNVMe is to communicate with devices via the operating system NVMe driver IOCTLs, specifically on Windows the following are used:





You can check that this interface is behaving as expected by running:

xnvme.exe info \\.\PhysicalDrive0

Which should yield output equivalent to:

    uri: '\\.\PhysicalDrive0'
    dtype: 0x2
    nsid: 0x1
    csi: 0x0
    subnqn: '     '
    admin: {id: 'nvme'}
    sync: {id: 'nvme'}
    async: {id: 'iocp'}
    attr: {name: 'windows'}

This tells you that xNVMe can communicate with the given device identifier and it informs you that it utilizes nvme_ioctl for synchronous command execution and it uses iocp for asynchronous command execution. This method can be used for raw devices via \.PhysicalDrive<disk number> device path.

Below mentioned commands are currently supported by xNVMe using IOCTL path:

  • Admin Commands
    • Get Log Page

    • Identify

    • Get Feature

    • Format NVM

  • I/O Commands
    • Read

    • Write

NVMe Driver and Regular File

xNVMe can communicate with File System mounted devices via the operating system generic APIs like ReadFile and WriteFile operations. This method can be used to do operation on Regular Files.

You can check that this interface is behaving as expected by running:

xnvme.exe info C:\

Which should yield output equivalent to:

    uri: 'C:\'
    dtype: 0x4
    nsid: 0x1
    csi: 0x1f
    subnqn: ''
    admin: {id: 'file'}
    sync: {id: 'file'}
    async: {id: 'iocp'}
    attr: {name: 'windows'}

This tells you that xNVMe can communicate with the given regular file and it informs you that it utilizes nvme_ioctl for synchronous command execution and it uses iocp for asynchronous command execution. This method can be used for file operations via <driver name>:<file name> path.

Async I/O via iocp

When AIO is available then the NVMe NVM Commands for read and write are sent over the Windows IOCP interface. Doing so improves command-throughput at higher queue-depths when compared to sending the command via the NVMe driver ioctl().

One can explicitly tell xNVMe to utilize iocp for async I/O by encoding it in the device identifier, like so:

xnvme_io_async read \\.\PhysicalDrive0 --slba 0x0 --qdepth 1 --async iocp

Yielding the output:

# Allocating and filling buf of nbytes: 512
# Initializing queue and setting default callback function and arguments
# Read uri: '\\.\PhysicalDrive0', qd: 1
  slba: 0x0000000000000000
  elba: 0x0000000000000000
  naddrs: 1
  nbytes: 512
  attr: { is_zones: 0, is_valid: 1}
wall-clock: {elapsed: 0.0002, mib: 0.00, mib_sec: 2.08}
# cb_args: {submitted: 1, completed: 1, ecount: 0}

Async I/O via iocp_th

Similar to iocp interface, only difference is separate poller is used to fetch the completed IOs.

One can explicitly tell xNVMe to utilize iocp_th for async I/O by encoding it in the device identifier, like so:

xnvme_io_async read \\.\PhysicalDrive0 --slba 0x0 --qdepth 1 --async iocp_th

Yielding the output:

# Allocating and filling buf of nbytes: 512
# Initializing queue and setting default callback function and arguments
# Read uri: '\\.\PhysicalDrive0', qd: 1
  slba: 0x0000000000000000
  elba: 0x0000000000000000
  naddrs: 1
  nbytes: 512
  attr: { is_zones: 0, is_valid: 1}
wall-clock: {elapsed: 0.0002, mib: 0.00, mib_sec: 2.14}
# cb_args: {submitted: 1, completed: 1, ecount: 0}

Async I/O via io_ring

xNVMe utilizes the Windows io_ring interface, its support for feature-probing the io_ring interface and the io_ring opcodes:

When available, then xNVMe can send the io_ring specific request using IORING_HANDLE_REF and IORING_BUFFER_REF structure for read and write via Windows io_ring interface. Doing so improves command-throughput at all io-depths when compared to sending the command via NVMe Driver IOCTLs.

One can explicitly tell xNVMe to utilize io_ring for async I/O by encoding it in the device identifier, like so:

xnvme_io_async read \\.\PhysicalDrive0 --slba 0x0 --qdepth 1 --async io_ring

Yielding the output:

# Allocating and filling buf of nbytes: 512
# Initializing queue and setting default callback function and arguments
# Read uri: '\\.\PhysicalDrive0', qd: 1
  slba: 0x0000000000000000
  elba: 0x0000000000000000
  naddrs: 1
  nbytes: 512
  attr: { is_zones: 0, is_valid: 1}
wall-clock: {elapsed: 0.0003, mib: 0.00, mib_sec: 1.92}
# cb_args: {submitted: 1, completed: 1, ecount: 0}

Building SPDK backend on Windows

SPDK can be used as a backend for xNVMe, to leverage this interface first user need to compile the SPDK as a subproject with xNVMe its depend on Windows Platform Development Kit (WPDK) that help to enables applications based on the Storage Performance Development Kit (SPDK) to build and run as native Windows executables.

Prerequisite’s to compile the SPDK

Refer below mentioned script and link to install the dependencies packages,

  • MinGW cross compiler and libraries

    this can be installed by running below script,

    @echo off
    @setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
    net session >nul: 2>&1
    if errorlevel 1 (
    	echo %0 must be run with Administrator privileges
    	goto :eof
    :: Use PowerShell to install Chocolatey
    set "PATH=%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin;%PATH%"
    echo [1/6] Install: Chocolatey Manager
    powershell -NoProfile -InputFormat None -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))"
    where /q choco
    if errorlevel 1 (
    	echo [1/6] Install: Chocolatey = FAIL
    	goto :eof
    echo [1/6] Install: Chocolatey = PASS
    :: Use Chocolatey to install msys2
    echo [2/6] Install: MSYS2
    set "PATH=%SystemDrive%\msys64;%PATH%"
    choco install msys2 -y -r --params "/NoUpdate /InstallDir:C:\msys64"
    where /q msys2
    if errorlevel 1 (
    	echo [2/6] Install: MSYS2 = FAIL
    	goto :eof
    echo [2/6] Install: MSYS2 = PASS
    echo [3/6] Install: Git
    choco install git -y -r
    echo [3/6] Install: Git = PASS
    echo [4/6] Install: dos2unix
    choco install dos2unix
    echo [4/6] Install: dos2unix = PASS
    :: Use MSYS2/pacman to install gcc and clang toolchain
    set MSYS2=call msys2_shell -no-start -here -use-full-path -defterm
    echo [5/6] Install: MinGW Toolchain via msys2/pacman
    set "PATH=%SystemDrive%\msys64\mingw64\bin;%PATH%"
    %MSYS2% -c "pacman --noconfirm -Syy --needed base-devel mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain"
    where /q gcc
    if errorlevel 1 (
    	echo [5/6] Install: MinGW Toolchain via msys2/pacman = FAIL
    	goto :eof
    echo [5/6] Install: MinGW Toolchain via msys2/pacman = PASS
    echo [6/6] Install: MinGW/meson via msys2/pacman
    %MSYS2% -c "pacman --noconfirm -Syy mingw-w64-x86_64-meson"
    echo [6/6] Install: MinGW/meson via msys2/pacman = OK
  • `Windows Subsystem of Linux (WSL)`_

Compilation and Installation

  • Configure, build and install using helper batch script build.bat:

  # build: auto-configure xNVMe, build third-party libraries, and xNVMe itself

  # config: only configure xNVMe
  build.bat config

  # config: debug only configure xNVMe
  build.bat config-debug

  # install xNVMe
  build.bat install

  # uninstall xNVMe
  # build.bat uninstall

Runtime Prerequisite’s

Refer below mentioned DPDK links to resolve runtime dependencies,

Building an xNVMe Program

At this point you should have xNVMe built and installed on your system and have the system correctly configured and you should by now also be familiar with how to instrument xNVMe to utilize different backends and backend options.

With all that in place, go ahead and compile your own xNVMe program.

Example code

This “hello-world” example prints out device information of the NVMe device at /dev/nvme0n1.

To use xNVMe include the libxnvme.h header in your C/C++ source:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <libxnvme.h>

main(int argc, char **argv)
	struct xnvme_opts opts = xnvme_opts_default();
	struct xnvme_dev *dev;

	dev = xnvme_dev_open("/dev/nvme0n1", &opts);
	if (!dev) {
		return 1;

	xnvme_dev_pr(dev, XNVME_PR_DEF);

	return 0;


chmod +x hello
    uri: '/dev/nvme0n1'
    dtype: 0x2
    nsid: 0x1
    csi: 0x0
    subnqn: ''
    admin: {id: 'nvme'}
    sync: {id: 'nvme'}
    async: {id: 'emu'}
    attr: {name: 'linux'}
    be: 'linux'
    mem: 'posix'
    admin: 'nvme'
    sync: 'nvme'
    async: 'emu'
    npugrp: 0
    npunit: 0
    nzone: 0
    nsect: 0
    nbytes: 0
    nbytes_oob: 0
    tbytes: 0
    mdts_nbytes: 0
    lba_nbytes: 0
    lba_extended: 0
    ssw: 0
    pi_type: 0
    pi_loc: 0
    pi_format: 0

This should conclude the getting started guide of xNVMe, go ahead and explore the Tools, C API, and C API: Examples.

Should xNVMe or your system still be misbehaving, then take a look in the Troubleshooting section or reach out by raising an issue, start an asynchronous discussion, or go to Discord for synchronous interaction.


User space

In case you are having issues using SPDK backend then make sure you are following the config section Config and if issues persist a solution might be found in the following subsections.

No devices found

When running xnvme enum and the output-listing is empty, then there are no devices. When running with vfio-pci, this can occur when your devices are sharing iommu-group with other devices which are still bound to in-kernel drivers. This could be NICs, GPUs or other kinds of peripherals.

The division of devices into groups is not something that can be easily switched, but you can try to manually unbind the other devices in the iommu group from their kernel drivers.

If that is not an option then you can try to re-organize your physical connectivity of deviecs, e.g. move devices around.

Lastly you can try using uio_pci_generic instead, this can most easily be done by disabling iommu by adding the kernel option: iommu=off to the kernel command-line and rebooting.

Memory Issues

If you see a message similar to the below while unbinding devices:

Current user memlock limit: 16 MB

This is the maximum amount of memory you will be
able to use with DPDK and VFIO if run as current user.
To change this, please adjust limits.conf memlock limit for current user.

## WARNING: memlock limit is less than 64MB
## DPDK with VFIO may not be able to initialize if run as current user.

Then go you should do as suggested, that is, adjust limits.conf, for an example, see Config.

Build Errors

If you are getting errors while attempting to configure and build xNVMe then it is likely due to one of the following:

  • You are building in an offline environment and only have a shallow source-archive or a git-repository without subprojects.

The full source-archive is made available with each release and downloadable from the GitHUB Release page release page. It contains the xNVMe source code along with all the third-party dependencies, namely: SPDK, liburing, libnvme, and fio.

missing dependencies / toolchain

  • You are missing dependencies, see the Toolchain for installing these on FreeBSD and a handful of different Linux Distributions

The Toolchain section describes preferred ways of installing libraries and tools. For example, on Ubuntu 18.04 it is preferred to install meson via pip3 since the version in the package registry is too old for SPDK, thus if installed via the package manager then you will experience build errors as the xNVMe build system starts building SPDK.

Once you have the full source of xNVMe, third-party library dependencies, and setup the toolchain then run the following to ensure that the xNVMe repository is clean from any artifacts left behind by previous build failures:

make clobber

And then go back to the Building xNVMe and follow the steps there.


When running make clobber then everything not comitted is “lost”. Thus, if you are developing/modifying xNVMe, then make you commit of stash your changes before running it.

Known Build Issues

If the above did not sort out your build-issues, then you might be facing one of the following known build-issues. If these do not apply to you, then please post an issue on GitHUB describing your build environment and output from the failed build.

When building xNVMe on Alpine Linux you might encounter some issues due to musl standard library not being entirely compatible with GLIBC / BSD.

The SPDK backend does not build on due to re-definition of STAILQ_* macros. As a work-around, then disable the SPDK backend:

meson setup builddir -Dwith-spdk=false

The Linux backend support for io_uring fails on Alpine Linux due to a missing definition in musl leading to this error message:

include/liburing.h:195:17: error: unknown type name 'loff_t'; did you mean

As a work-around, then disable io_uring support:

meson setup builddir -Dwith-liburing=false

See more details on changing the default build-configuration of xNVMe in the section Custom Configuration.

Customizing the Build

Non-GCC Toolchain

To use a compiler other than gcc, then:

  1. Set the CC and CXX environment variable for the ./configure script

  2. Pass CC, and CXX as arguments to make

For example, compiling xNVMe on a system where the default compiler is not gcc:

CC=gcc CXX=g++ ./configure <YOUR_OPTIONS_HERE>
make CC=gcc CXX=g++
make install CC=gcc CXX=g++

Recent versions of icc, clang, and pgi should be able to satisfy the C11 and pthreads requirements. However, it will most likely require a bit of fiddling.


The icc works well after you bought a license and installed it correctly. There is a free option with Intel System Suite 2019.


The pgi compiler has some issues linking with SPDK/DPDK due to unstable ABI for RTE it seems.

The path of least resistance is to just install the toolchain and libraries as described in the Toolchain section.

Custom Configuration

See the list of options in meson_options.txt, this file defines the different non-generic options that you can toggle. For traditional build-configuration such as --prefix then these are managed like all other meson-based builds:

meson setup builddir -Dprefix=/foo/bar


For details

Cross-compiling for ARM on x86

This is managed like any other meson-based build, see:

for details