NVMe Driver and Regular File#

xNVMe can communicate with File System mounted devices via the operating system generic APIs like ReadFile and WriteFile operations. This method can be used to do operation on Regular Files.

You can check that this interface is behaving as expected by running:

xnvme.exe info C:\README.md

Which should yield output equivalent to:

    uri: 'C:\README.md'
    dtype: 0x4
    nsid: 0x1
    csi: 0x1f
    subnqn: ''
    admin: {id: 'file'}
    sync: {id: 'file'}
    async: {id: 'iocp'}
    attr: {name: 'windows'}

This tells you that xNVMe can communicate with the given regular file and it informs you that it utilizes nvme_ioctl for synchronous command execution and it uses iocp for asynchronous command execution. This method can be used for file operations via <driver name>:<file name> path.